A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Meet the Creeps...

I grunted slightly in effort as my lean shoulder held up most of Toby's weight. His eyes were dazed as he suddenly twitched, wincing just after as his side screamed at him. I felt bad for my brother, frowning as I felt the blood ooze into my fur, plastering my thin steel pelt to my flank. Jack, or E.J., supported his other shoulder. He seemed dazed as well.
I huffed quietly, nearly to the river as my own wounds leak the bright red blood. That blood began to run down my legs, causing my paws to leave bloody foot prints in the sand.
..::Ticci Toby::..
'That... That... That stupid cougar! Sure, we killed it, but...' I frown, my lips curling downward at the end at the very thought if the attack. I closed my green eyes, ignoring the fact that the claw marks trailing down my side caused pain in every breath. A twitch racked my gaunt frame, causing me to wince at the fiery pain in my side. I felt bad that Radio and Jack had to pretty much drag me here, but when u tried to walk, it felt like the claws were raking my side once more. Yeah... Walking was out of the question.
..::Eyeless Jack::..
I did my best to subdue my limp as I carried half the weight of Toby. My back ached from teeth marks, my paw was mauled, and a scratch trailed down my hind leg. Compared to Toby, that was nothing. I had to reply them for how they excepted me into their family. Although we weren't a pack, we traveled together. I was apart of them, like a brother. I was glad for that.
Even if I hadn't taken the major hit from the wiser cougar, I had taken quiet a few. Even that was worth the pain if Toby would be alright... We just had to take it easy for a while.


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