A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Why Should I?

Instantly my sunny hues flicked to a kalik and my lips curled back slightly towards him. If I came off as racist oh well, I didn't trust kaliks and I doubt I ever will. As soon as I got permission from one of the three males I set in motion and headed to the forest determined. My nose pressed to the ground and looking for herbs I wanted. Poppy was the easiest to find, but burdock is were one had to be careful for looking. When I scented it, furiously my claws dug into the earth and I found the root I desired. With a mouth full of poppy and burdock I trot back to the group, more of a sprint really. Setting the herbs next to the now laid down male I went over to the rivers edge.

To her knowledge they were idiots for going against a damned cougar. Then the Kalik with his smug grin on his face made him more shady. Could be that I was just cautious of everyone, but did it really matter? Looking at the rocks I picked up a mouthful of moss and laid it down with the supplies then when back into the forest, grabbing a stick then trot back. Coldly I went to the most injured male and dropped it in front of him. Bite the stick because you'll most likely scream like a little girl.

Then with little hesitation I went to his side and roughly started licking his wounds. My hackles rose as his blood went down my throat, but I ignored the primal instinct to dig in. When I cleaned further I pressed my paw on his side to push out the dirty blood and continued to clean it. The whole time I stayed silent and just went about the business as if doing nothing. With a satisfied job I grabbed the moss in my jaws and chewed on it, creating a green mossy saliva mixture. Then applied it to every open wound I could find. After I was certain I got the major parts I grabbed a burdock root and pushed it near him with my muzzle. Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat, got it.

Looking over to the other injured male I narrowed my focus on him. You need help as well? Glancing back I looked over to mister spider legs and flicked an ear towards him. Moving away I laid beside the river and started licking my lips, getting rid of the blood on my muzzle. When it dried it stained my fur for a few days and it was annoying explaining why it was there.


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