The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

Return to Lunar Children

sweet serial killer on the warpath;

i'm your worst nightmare, and you're my biggest fear

She will become disillusioned if she truly believes that she can have them both and still live a perfectly normal life; this was where she was misleading herself in that singular, sad fantasy. But perhaps, to believe in such strong bonds was greater than any other thing in this world. Naamah, though perhaps a bit lustful for the most part, felt that love knew now bounds and so she was unashamed to spread her own. Lillith had become a recipient of such emotions at one point in time or another for her affection was not tied down by foolish restrictions that many mortals on this dying world believed in. This is where even her dearest Samil falls short and so she is now beginning to pity what lack of passion these sad souls have amongst one another.

Yet, looking down upon these two perfect beings brings some sort of hope into her dark soul that there is the chance to coexist in peace and unity. Such thoughts linger in her mind from time to time and would classify her a true angel, but when she fell from heaven she did not lose all of what morals she did have, she only refined what guidelines they were crafted from into her own code. Naamah finds some part of her that is inclined to carry love for all in some sick way or another. Perhaps it is not the idealistic ‘love’ and yet she considers it so all the same. The two immaculate lives that now rest at her belly, though, they were the true incarnates of her very heart and she now looks upon them with endearment in her abysmal eyes.

It is upon the cusp of the grotto that she knows of Enderly’s presence as he moves swiftly to seek out she and their offspring. She feels his approach deep within the pit of her stomach, for she knew he would come, and finally hears the tapping of his dulled claws against the stone surface as he nears. Before very long, his silver accented features are peering into the cove that she has settled herself into and she looks upon him with a softened expression - though perhaps that is more difficult to tell in such darkness. She allows him to come to her and her eyes close for a moment as his gentle touch presses against her skull. It is a welcome expression of affection from he or Samil, should either ever choose to do so, and yet Samil lacks such qualities that Enderly holds true. He is her lord of shadows and his sheer masculinity draws her in at every turn - though he is not so strong in the gentle mannerisms familiar with the silver-eyed male. She appreciates both aspects of the two of them and would not change either for any type of wealth, but the differences cannot be ignored. Samil and Enderly are clearly like night and day.

His silvered muzzle moves from her face now as he leans in to investigate the two daughters and she is careful to watch him with a small bit of tension rising within her. She is aware that she can trust Enderly and yet this protective feeling cannot be shaken as she keeps her eyes upon him. He appears innocent enough as he perks at their sudden cries of his warm breath upon them and a softened expression washes over the ebon temptress. It is interesting enough to see Enderly so inquisitive of them both and a near look of innocence appears only momentarily as they squeal at her belly. She continues to keep her attention on him as he raises his eyes toward her to speak. A light chuckle causes her body to jostle slightly as she begins to respond. ”You are wise to say such things.. But I do not need anything for the moment.” A slight simper starts to slip upon her muzzle as she turns from him and to the sooty offspring whose hunger had now been quelled.

It is the deep vocals of her first lover that bring her eyes upward and to the colossal form of Samil, her heart begins pounding heavily in her chest at the very sight of him, perhaps from those years that they had been given together by the graces of Satanail or from the way in which she is endlessly attracted to his natural brawn. ”Oh, you don’t like surprises darling?” Yes, she can play this game as well, she had invented it. Ha! The small simper that had begun to form at her retort to Enderly now morphed into a coy smirk as her eyes remained on Samil while he too looked down upon the two girls.

The emotions within those venomous eyes were difficult to determine as he liked to mask such things so often and it made Naamah wonder what it was that he truly thought of her conception and birth of Enderly’s pup. But she knew better than to assume that he would be okay with having to help raise one that was not even of his own blood and so she took a stab at what he was contemplating. ”Now, now.. you can hardly tell which is from your loins or the other.” She coos softly as she speaks to Samil and looks upon the backs of her now sleeping offspring. These words would be faultless if it were not for the size difference between the pair - yet who was to be the judge to say that the golden marked girl was not a runt? ”Look.. this one.. she is marked in the colors of my lineage. Of yours as well..” She attempts to sway his opinion on the child into a more peaceful direction, hoping that she can instill a sense of sureness that Enderly’s seed had not taken so that Samil’s irritation may subside. If only for the sparing of Enderly’s own well being for the moments that were to pass.

A soft sigh escapes her lips as she settles back into the sturdy structure of Samil’s forelegs and continues to keep a calm aura about herself in these troubling times. She would not instigate unnecessary violence and turmoil upon her hour old children.

no soul | given to none | mother of plagues (sanguine, gomory)


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