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----> Lavender


It has been a little while now that she had watched the pack falter. Leadership has gone back to Purge and now; a fight ensues again. This time Skully has gone to fight for Purge's mountain. What she considers her mountain anyway. It belonged to all the wolves that called Spirane their home though. This was not something that Purge owned alone. They all had a piece of the pack's ownership if one would really think about it.

Lavender was fighting for what she thought she deserved. No, what she knows that she's worked so hard for. Not once or even twice. No, she's worked three times to gain what she knows she's willing to fight for. She's tired of being put on the back burner just because someone else is walking on egg shells for Purge. No more. It was high time that she speak with Purge and let her know just what she's been working at. Purge can't be blind or stupid after all. She must realize that Lavender's gone on more than one trip outside of Spirane. She's made note of as much and it was time that she truly jump forward and state her good works.

"Purge!" She is not afraid to call out to her Alpha Female. She is not demanding but she is making it clear that she wishes to talk with the she-wolf of the mountain's own. "We should talk. Please." She is quiet then and wondering; watching. Waiting with as much patience as she can muster up. It's growing thin though; she's tired of being second best when she's done more than most can say they've ever attempted even he who thinks he stands a chance and for what? What has he truly done to work for a shot at being third in command? Lavender isn't sure but it had to be quite a bit less than she. How many now has she had? Three good diplomatic happenings? You bet! It was time she get the recognition she deserves and knows belongs to her. There is no more hiding on the sidelines. She might be a sweet girl but she was growing heavily frustrated and one can only take so much let-down right?

She's done being stepped on. It was time to be strong and to stand up for what she knows she wants; what she believes in. She would have it. She would have it because she worked hard for it. This time; she wasn't taking no for an answer.

pass is kcatz

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