The Lost Islands

introduce a little anarchy

Lord of the Inlet
icelandic | stallion | 13.2 hands | erin

Tölting across the tundra (the ambling four beat gait of his Icelandic breed), he leaps through some brush, his hooves connect with the soft dirt on the other side. Shaking out his ebony mane, it flows out from behind his arched grulla neck. Ascending a hill, his hooves digging into the grass, propelling him each stride. Slowing as he nears the top, his tail flows out from behind him, his dark nostrils breath in the wind that blew in from the ocean. With a toss of his fuzzy head, his russet eyes scan the Inlet before him. His home... Fuzzy ears swivel atop his crown, when a golden form moves in the clearing below him. Freya? But this one was smaller in height, and more golden than his dearest Freya.

An intruder perhaps? Burying his fuzzy tipped ears into his ebony frosted mane, his hooves dance in place. Half-rearing, the instant his fore hooves touch the dirt, his legs pump as he descends the hill. Hind haunches dig into the earth, muscles expand and contract with each stride. As his hooves reach the flat, he increases his speed, strides lengthen into a ground covering trot. Each pump of his legs brings him closer to the golden intruder. When within earshot, he halts, throwing his head into its utmost position. His dark nostrils search the wind, trying to find this stranger's scent. Confusion traces his face as her scent reaches his outstretched nostrils, a stale scent lay on her coat. The stale scent of the stallion who once ruled over these lands.

Unburying his ears from ebony mane, his voice bellows out between them. "Who are you? This is the Inlet now ruled by Dögun." He did not specifically let her know that he was the pony king of these lands, she would soon figure it out. Fuzzy tipped ears impatiently wait for her answer. His eyes scan the form of her body from the tip of her nose to the swish of her tail. She was a pretty creature, her golden coat stark contrast against the dull gray of the pre summer Inlet. He wonders quietly if she was one of the herd that he had invited to stay, but he would soon find out her intentions.


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