The Lost Islands

upset the established order {silver}

Posted on June 12, 2014 at 03:49:51 PM by dögun

Lord of the Inlet
icelandic | stallion | 13.2 hands | erin

Follow me Was one of the last few words he had spoke to Silver as they had made their way towards Tinuvel. From there somehow they had been separated, Dögun reaching the Inlet before her. So now his hooves travel across the tundra, searching for Silver in hopes that she had found the Inlet. Tossing his frost kissed mane, he felt freedom for a minute as his searching continued. Halting at the edge of sea cliff his russet eyes scan the ocean, searching for any dark dot on the horizon that would tell him that Silver was on her way. Stomping his hoof with impatience, he waits. She had been so broken when he had found her, but she tried her best to mask the pain that engulfed her. Humor and friendliness had won her over, he knew that she possibly wouldn't stay after birthing her child but she was more than welcome to. A smile touches his dark lips at the thought of her sweet face, she really had made quite the impression on him.

Scanning the ocean once again, his eyes fall on a distant dot...maybe it was her? Tossing his fuzzy head, he picks up the an excited trot, his russet eyes search for the trail that led down. Approaching the trail he slows to a walk as his hooves agilely navigate the treacherous descent, this was the quickest but not the safest trail he could of followed. His hind haunches tucked neatly underneath of his belly as he half slides, half walks the trail. As his hooves touch the sandy beach he breaks into a trot, heading towards where the surf breaks on the beach. Excitement vibrates his body, as he recognizes the familiar face of Silver. Tossing his head, he lifts his front fores off of the ground in a half rear. Hooves touching the sand, he waits impatiently...

His eyes move down the beach, knowing that farther down was an easier way to climb out of the beach back to the flats of the Tundra. Swiveling his head around towards the cliff he just descended he knew that there would be no way that Silver could, in her pregnant state, make that climb. Returning his attention to the sea, he waits for her, knowing that she would have friends here on the Inlet. Hopefully the pain of her past would end, and she could live her life without haunting memories.


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