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A Rainbow In The Dark

I cry out for magic – see it floating in the air
But it's fear - and you'll hear
It calling you ...beware

Spring was finally here. The snow was melting fast and the days were growing longer. More tedious, and as the hours of light stretched yon, so too did my bitchy attitude. I kept to myself mostly, to spare those of my pack from my terrible temper. Even after all these years the hormones that accompanied pregnancy had not quelled in the least. In fact, I'd almost dare to say they'd gotten worse with the passing of my youth.

My entire term, I had carried light. At first, I had been concerned that this would mean my litter would be small or sickly. But as I entered my first trimester I became more certain that I carried a small number of babes, but that they would be healthy. I know they are healthy, because they are adament about kicking and squirming against my ribs any chance they got. Little hellions.

The notion is a pleasing one. I would much prefer raising a litter of rambuncious little hoodlums then a litter of sickly or malformed babes. Not that I'd love them any less, but still an expectant mother can hope, can't she? Yes, I was thankful, even more grateful that my belly bump had never grown so drastic that Devil would think to question it... though I knew I would promptly have to tell him of the child I bear with that viking barbarian, Samil. I wasn't certain how Dev would take the news, but in truth I didn't see how it mattered. After all, the black-cloaked boy had fathered many litters in my absence with his Imprint.

Today, my cubs were being particularly tempestuous, and even before dawn had broke I'd felt he first stirrings of contractions. I'd already isolated myself in the den I'd created out of an old Badger burrow. It was constructed high into a hillside, hidden amidst a copse of jagged boulders to shield it from the wind and camouflage it from predators. This wasn't my first walk in the park, but at my age, I would be lying to say I didn't harbor some reservations about this birthing business. Luckily, fate would have it seen that my contractions were quick, sharp and when finally the girl was produced from my loins, it was that she would tear me asunder for her sheer size. Delivering her into the world with a savage snarl, fangs biting my lower lip to keep from crying out.

But then she is here, and I am given to curl around her, washing away the blood and cleansing her fur dry as I warm her against my side, nudging her with my muzzle towards an awaiting teat. I ponder a name for the girl. There is one that lingers in the peripheries of my mind, though I cannot say why, and with a whispered breath I bestow it upon her with a lick to the forehead.

There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

Gypsy Rose ~ Eldest Daughter of Moonglow x Alcide ~ 9 years ~ No Endymion ~ No Eros


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