The Lost Islands

she begged for love to remain

store up your hate, use it for
warmth when you're cold

It is a warm spring day, just the kind of day Freya has been eagerly awaiting ever since she arrived on the Islands. The sun shines down on the Inlet herd as they graze together, enjoying one another's company in silence. Even the two new foals didn't make much noise, which the golden mare finds quite surprising.

Glancing up, Freya's eyes land on said foals, each sticking close to their mother's sides. She feels a twinge in her heart as she gazes upon them. While she is still young, with many years left to go, she can't help but feel she needs a child as soon as possible. She has no explanation for this urgency; she could do with waiting a few more years, honestly, but the thought brings a melancholy feeling to her. She sighs and pushes it to the back of her mind, where she hopes it will stay. She has more important things to worry about right now - she will not concern herself with the matter until the time comes.

Glancing up, the blue-eyed mare makes eye contact with Dögun just as he looks towards her, and she swears that she can feel herself becoming flushed. She offers him a coy smile before going back to her grazing, picking tenderly at the rich grasses and sweet wildflowers at her hooves. Her mind wanders for a brief moment, but she is quickly pulled back to reality when the sound of retreating hooves catches her attention. Blue eyes glance upwards just in time to witness the grullo disappear into the nearby forest. Freya pauses only for a brief moment to make sure everyone is okay before she follows him.

It doesn't take her very long to figure out where he is going. When she realizes, she can't help but chuckle to herself. She had a feeling they would end up there again sooner or later. Freya lets out a soft nicker as she clears the treeline, letting Dögun know she is here with him and she is not some intruder come to steal away his kingdom. Not that he would ever let that happen - despite his size, Dögun is fierce, and Freya knows he would protect his family to the very end before letting anything happen to them.

"Hello there." she says softly, bumping her nose against Dögun's shoulder, sapphire eyes glittering. "Do you mind if I join you?"

four / georgian grande / 16hh / bay dun roan sabino
lead mare of the inlet / mother to none / played by pippa


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