Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesCarden Alvar sightings

I saw a Loggerhead Shrike on the east side of Wylie Rd. opposite Box 10. The Bluebird pair are now using Box 10. There was a Red-headed Woodpecker at the edge of the woods northwest of the blind. I also had a Vesper Sparrow at Box 10.There were many cars about so I didn't linger. At one point I saw two Upland SP chicks crossing a road to meet the parent which was waiting on a fence post. Many other grassland birds about. The flora display is breathtaking as always. I rescued a Blandings turtle on Alvar Rd. east of the marshy area towards RR 35. Jean Iron and I had about three Blandings at the same marsh on the 10 June. We also saw 6 Painted turtles in the same marsh.

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