The Lost Islands

ashes to ashes, dust to dust;

Posted on June 21, 2014 at 03:45:58 PM by Cut Up Angel


The momentarily bliss and safe sanctuary in which mother and daughter share is shattered far sooner than perhaps the little bone-child would have wished it. The sharp cracking of dried underbrush and snapping of twigs underfoot alert the silverling that someone has uncovered her secret hiding spot. Immediately tiny, black-tipped ears bury themselves beneath the thick spray of alabaster hairs that decorate her crest and splays in a wind-tattered mass across the expanse of her brow. Paper-thin nostrils flare wide as instinctively my little girl takes up a defensive position between her daughter and whatever intruder was on the approach. Whoever it was, CUA did not know for the constantly billowing winds that blow over the island keep the intruder down-wind. Thus it is only until the large painted brujo ambles into view, his broad head ducking beneath the dew-covered branches of a fir tree, that my little silverling finds herself able to relax a bit more. Although she does not harbor any true pleasure at the sight of the massive, painted stallion, she is quite sure that he would do the child no harm and thus pointed turns her back to the stallion as she draws back to her little filly. "Well..." she purrs, her honey sweetened tones laced with venom as she circles herself around the child curled at her feet and glances at the painted stallion. Depthless black eyes stare emotionlessly back at the painted stallion as he drops his proud head. His graveled voice is not the same as she remembered. He isn't harsh or cruel now, his eyes no longer staring at her with anger or defiance of his own. In fact, he seems remotely dejected, as though something weighs heavily on his mind.

For a moment she is distracted. She had not expected to see him in this manner. It is a far cry from the forceful creature she has come to be quite used to. Small ears swivel in confusion as she stares at him for a moment in silence. Listening as he says her name, ironic really. He says her name for the first time. "Finally learned my name huh?" she snaps, a coy smile playing its way across her ash dusted lips. Unusually long whipcord lashes slowly against the sleek curve of her hips, mirroring the sway of some great jungle cat more closely than that of an equine as she continues to stare at him, black eyes expectant though for what in this very moment she is not sure. Did she want an apology? Not likely. An apology never did anyone any real good. Would he beg her forgiveness? Naw, even that was questionable because really, he knew her well enough to know that she would not miss the opportunity to use the weakness against him at every turn. What was it she expected from him? In truth nothing.

She draws her gaze away from him now to nose the sleeping child awake and to her feet. Her proud head bends to lovingly nuzzle the soft painted flank of the girl and gently prod her to wobbling feet. "Her name is Harlequin." she states, keeping her tones rather matter of fact and void of emotion though her eyes belie the pride she finds in the young filly.


the stars have fallen and the sky weeps


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