The Lost Islands

introduce a little anarchy

Lord of the Inlet
icelandic | stallion | 13.2 hands | erin

Stories, Silver's stories. She could entertain the younger ones with her adventures. "Stories, we all would love to here the great Silver tales." A smile touches his dark lips at the thoughts of her, she was beginning to emerge from her protective shell. Each conversation revealing more about her tender, frightened soul. He could sense that she was excited to explore their home, to meet the rest of the herd. She was welcome in the Inlet until she decided that she would leave, he hoped deep down that she wouldn't leave. His russet eyes scan her massive white body insuring that he was not traveling too quickly for her. She would soon give birth to her foal, and he wanted her to be safe within the island before bringing a new life into this world.

"The herd waits deep with in the dark pines, there is a clearing with sweetest grasses. Also in the middle of the clearing is a large fresh water pond." he picks his way across the tundra towards the dark pines, their tops tower towards the blue-gray sky. Their sheer size amazes him every time that they neared them. Halting at the edge of the trees, his head swivels towards Silver, who had kept up quite well. He would wait until she reached his side before venturing into the dark forest. A few trails wound through the forest but only one led to the meadow where the herd was. "This way, there are many trails through the forest, but only one to the meadow. I would not want you to get lost on your first tour through the Inlet."

Nodding towards the well worn path, with a duck of his head he pushes through the brush into the forest's edge. The afternoon sun filters down through the tops of the pine trees, casting eery shadows on the ground before him. Each step brings the pair closer to the clearing, towards their family. As the trees begin to thin out, the forms of the herd begin to materialize. Excitement begins to vibrate his body, he was excited for Silver to meet them, and she could begin her new life. Russet eyes fall upon each member, recognizing each of them immediately. Their forms miniature against the majestic mountain backdrop. At peace they grazed, not noticing Silver and him at the moment.


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