The Lost Islands

introduce a little anarchy

Lord of the Inlet
icelandic | stallion | 13.2 hands | erin

Chewing quietly on a few blades of grass, his chocolatey eyes crawl over the forms of his family. Each them so different from one another, with a content sigh, he swallows the grass. His eyes trace the bodies of each of his mares, starting with Freya. She also stood watch, checking on each of the mares insuring that they were safe and content. She had quickly adapted to being his lead mare, welcoming each of the newcomers, even assisting in the birth of Shiraz. Dögun's gaze falls on Macabre and her energetic foal, who was always on the move. A smile traces across his dark lips, figuring that maybe he should venture closer to the pair. Macabre stood off by herself, probably trying to keep Shiraz occupied.

Striking out across the distance between them, his hooves quickly navigating the tundra terrain. As he nears the pair, he shakes out his frost kissed ebony mane, a smile on his lips. Halting his dark tipped ears catch the words that Macabre spoke you will see her soon. He assumed it was about Freya, Dögun had overheard Shiraz asking about Freya. It was understandable since he had spent his first night cuddled up next to Freya, as she desperately tried to keep his body warm that first night.

Clearing his throat, he speaks."Little Shiraz. You have grown stronger with each day. Freya? She is around here somewhere, keeping an eye out on the herd." Dögun's eyes fall on Macabre, she was adjusting well to the Inlet, even seeming more relaxed. Yet there was something that seemed wrong with her, maybe she was just scared for Shiraz, he figured it was a mom thing."How are you taking to the Inlet?" He hoped that she liked it here. He figured it had been a stressful time in her life. Giving birth, meeting a new herd, so many changes within just a few weeks.

ooc: sorry I couldnt help myself lol. :)


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