The Lost Islands

your heart's a thousand colors

----------...but they're all shades of blue

"You may be many years my senior, but that does not mean you are any less important." Freya says, her voice soft and kind. "I must worry about everyone - if I do not, that's how accidents and bad things happen." She says, glancing over her shoulder to ensure that everyone was still there and that no one had gone wandering off or gotten into trouble. Turning back to Silver, she offers her a smile, ears swiveling forward to catch her words. She listens, but is more focused on the uneasy feeling rising inside her stomach, telling her something is off.

Freya knows something is wrong before she even approaches the white mare; but she figures perhaps it is nothing to be concerned about, and decides to attempt to make small talk to distract her from whatever it is that is bothering her. That doesn't seem to work, though; she notices the break of Silver's voice as she speaks, and a frown crosses her face "He did not." She says, narrowing her eyes at the large mare. Something seems amiss; call it her woman's intuition, but Freya has a nagging feeling that something is just... off. She tilts her head to get a better look at the imposing draft. "You seem to be feeling unwell. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Feeling a bit frantic, Freya swings her head over her shoulder and scans the horizon for Dogun. He should be returning soon, she needs him by her side if Silver turns out to have something wrong with her. She has never been alone with the herd when someone fell ill, and isn't quite sure what to do. Does she ask for help? Does she wait until Dogun returns? Does she just stay put and try to comfort Silver? There are so many options.

((ooc: sorry for my crap post. i am trying to get them all done before my internet gets cut off :c))

_four, georgian grande, dun roan sabino
lead mare of the inlet, childless, pippa
background by kitttysaur95 at colourlovers; html by shiva


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