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the wastes of my heart

And the light shineth in the darkness;
................... and the darkness apprehended it not. *John 1:5*

The woods smelled fresh this afternoon and the leaves still dripped droplets of the early morning shower. No place made him feel quite as home as the forest did for it was his domain. In the distant past many called him a wood sprite for his true nature was a glowing being, tall and fair, and he seemed to be one with the vegetation and as time grew and stretched he became the 'summer king'. A part of the fairy world and the ones who were whispered about with reverence and awe. But he did not seek for such a podium before the humans. They were not beneath him. Many of his own kind scoffed at such thoughts: but we have power! We have immortality! What do they have? A few handspan of years and then the ultimate death. It is their short life that makes them so special, Vortigern thinks, for they could have so much impact in such a short time. They strive to be greater, do more, and love with such a desire that it encompasses all. Every species has the penchant for evil and destruction - it would be foolish to condemn humans for a few of their own wayward souls.

Once, long ago, a kin of his - for he called many of his own kind kin - had decided she wished to enslave humankind for her pleasure. She was a selfish creature and prone to negligence. He had watched as she drew many handsome men into the etherworld, as he refered to it, and they lapped at her heels like puppies. She scorned them like pets and laughed at their pleading for her beauty was so great to their eyes that their minds were ensnared. It was a disgusting use of her powers. So furious he had become that the world turned dark and the gales that tore through the etherworld knocked back the humans and terrified the elven seductress; his blue eyes had turned a furious white and the power within him rocked their world. She had agreed to release the men and he had seen them across the veil but her damage was done. They were mindless, helpless. He had tried to gift them with sanity once more but some things could not be undone.

From then on Vortigern had set out to watch over the humans as a sort of guardian angel. This world consisted not only of fae but also of nightcreatures. They weren't necessarily bad, just as they weren't all good. He had always watched from afar as the humans interacted but a few hundred years ago he had left before his etherworld and slipped into his own human disguise. Cropped blond hair, striking blue eyes, and an almost boyish appearance. Something about Vortigern represented SOFT and SAFETY but also POWER. Even those who he was kindly too seemed to sense a depth to him that was hidden.

So he walks this forest with a sigh upon his upturned lips and as a finger traces across the base of a tree trunk the leaves begin to brighten and unfold once more as life travels upward. A twitter is heard in response and a pair of thrushes fly down to land upon his shoulder with nimble feet, clutching at his silky white shirt. He knew things were off kilter. The memories had begun to come back to him slowly, inexorably like a boulder crashing its way down a steep hill. The ruts left behind were imprints of a time past. So long he had lived and so few valuable memories to carry for such a length of time.

Something would have to be done about this. The Council would have to convene for it was their magic, as usual, that had thrown this world off balance. When would they realize that interfereing with the human race was catastrophic? Could they not keep their lust for power to themselves. Turning his attention from such thoughts he curls a finger down the head of one of the birds upon his shoulder and smiles; the wildlife took to him so easily, so trusting, for they were not blinded by the human factor. The could see the good soul he was and knew this creature would protect them and help them flourish.


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