The Lost Islands


The Boss


The Marauder


The General


The Companions

None Druna None

The Thieves


The Associates


The Soldiers


The Trinkets


Boss's Decree

"For every brother you bring to our
midst, you may keep a trinket all to
yourself. She will not be sullied or traded, unless you deem otherwise. But should you bring a mare here without a new brother first, then I will consider her property of the Lagoon as a whole
and do with her as I see fit." - Garmr

The Offspring



• The Lagoon is where homeless stallions come to live as a brotherhood. Mares may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Soldiers keep mainly to fighting, Thieves keep mainly to raiding, and Associates may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Marauder or Boss for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Boss maintains order within the Lagoon and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Lagoon works on the Rules page.

• Upon election, the Boss can issue a rule for members to follow during their tenure. It is up to leadership to enforce.

give nothing back

She did not understand, this woman, what it was to walk the thin rope between politics and power. The Lagoon was Rade's now to command - but the men would always have their free will, and they could choose not to follow him. It was only through a combination of respect and fear that he could keep his tenuous hold on their obedience. Bargaining with the Vulcans would undoubtedly be seen as a betrayal of the brotherhood; they would not pause to hear the reason behind their leader's apparent madness. But even the threat of their disapproval was not enough to dissuade the palomino stallion from his chosen course.

It was best to keep one's enemies close, after all.

“One mare. The one you sought to steal,” Rade replied as casually as if Skylar's haughty words had not been uttered. “You will take her with you once this conversation is done.” His expression is impassive, his voice empty of any emotion. Like most women in the Lagoon, Reginleif was nothing more than a trinket - a bauble to offer in exchange for something infinitely more valuable. And as a mare who had not attracted the attention of any particular bachelor stallion, she would not be missed.

“In exchange,” The roan spoke tersely now, choosing his words carefully - it would not do him any favors to reveal how eager he was for his brother's daughter to accept this arrangement. He must put on a show of reluctance, as would be expected. “I ask only for information. You will tell me of any plans the Vulcans might make, and I will inform you of the Lagoon's movements. If the cause is worthy, I may even offer my personal assistance in your endeavors - for a price, of course.” Rade makes no effort to extol the value of his aid; he had held his own against the Peak's power, and would do so again if it proved necessary.

But even a tense truce was preferable to the hounding and harassment the Lagoon had endured from the Vulcans. The palomino would rather expend his energy on conquest than spend his days hovering close to home, fearful that another assault might occur in his absence.

Protection wasn't Rade's particular forte.

stallion // mongrel // 15.1hh // 8 // palomino roan // reba
debonaire x neassa

        • -

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