The Lost Islands

my mind wants roots, my heart wants wings

Satitba was the first to break the silence. Sable quickly attempted to swallow her mouthful before Satitba could see the strange tundra grass poking from her mouth, but was too late. Embarrassment warmed her cheeks when the taller mare laughed, though she knew her friend meant nothing by it. Swallowing, Sable pondered Satitba’s question as they strolled further inland. In truth, she had not really been tasting the grass at all, too concerned was she in simply consuming it, but it was a strange texture that tickled her throat as it went down. “It’s... fine, I guess,” she replied, unsure of what else to say. She took a moment to peek down at it, as it parted beneath her hooves; now that she really looked at it, there was nothing appetizing about it at all. It was far too unlike anything she was used to. Suddenly my appetite is gone. How does anyone live on this stuff?

Suddenly aware that Satitba had stopped walking, Sable brought her head up and likewise halted, glancing up at her friend with a curious expression. When she saw that Satitba was looking solemnly off into the distance at something behind them, her heart leapt into her throat. Oh no, has something – or someone – followed us here? Her mind instantly conjured an image of a band of angry bachelors come to drag her, kicking and screaming, back to the continent – but instead, all she saw as she followed Satitba’s gaze was a single mare with white legs approaching them. There was nothing aggressive about the stranger’s body language, but she oozed of confidence. This is her home, Sable realized, and had little time to think much else when the stranger reached them, greeting them with a friendly nicker. Sable’s ear twitched when Satitba’s reply rang out from beside her, but she remained quiet herself, too morose and uncertain for pleasantries.

The mare’s question – though phrased politely – felt invasive to Sable, and suddenly she was worried that they were going to be escorted right back the way they’d come. Despite the fact she so far did not care for the inlet, she had no desire to be forced back into the ocean so soon – not when she was exhausted, freezing, and dying for a drink. Ears flicking back, she glanced up at Satitba to see what she would do, and was perplexed when her friend completely evaded the query, instead introducing herself and looking back at Sable expectantly, as though she expected Sable to do the same. What is wrong with her? Isn’t she worried? Somehow the knowledge that she was the only anxious one here only served to make her anxiety worsen, and so Sable met the stranger’s eyes with an almost pleading expression. “Please, miss – ma’am – we’re only passing through. We didn’t mean to intrude at all.” She shivered against a sudden chill breeze.

15'2; Ee Ata Ff nCr; 3; mutt

html and character by shiva


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