we'll ride in the gathering storm -" />
The Lost Islands

we'll ride in the gathering storm


We'll ride in the gathering storm

Chocolate eyes pass over the chestnut as he approaches, quietly Dögun checks his friend's health. As his eyes pass over the chestnut's coat his gaze lingers on a scar that marked his hip, the grullo had not noticed this scar before. As the chestnut falls into step with him, he finds the familiar path that led across the tundra to the northern border. They walk only a few minutes in silence when Grai speaks "So... whats up?" Swiveling his dark toned crown towards the chestnut, a smile crosses his dark lips. "I have been wanting to talk with my, friend. I have not seen much of you... I figure of course, that you were out finding some lovelies of your own." Pausing, a bit of concern floods his voice for his friend. "I also noticed a scar across your hip, and that is definitely not of a horse. What happened?"

Dögun hoped that his questions was not too personal, but Grai was also a member of this herd. He knew that he could take care of himself and didn't need to be babysat, but Dögun now considered him family. He always took care of any member of his family. Swiveling a dark tipped ear towards Grai, he listens quietly for his response to the barrage of questions that he had thrown at the chestnut.

The tundra spreads out before them, Dögun knew that soon they would have to turn from this trail and head along the northern border that separated the Inlet from the Bay. Chocolate eyes pass over the tundra that was their home, from the mountain peaks to the rocky beaches. Dögun had faith that Grai was here to help protect their home at any cost, he had already proven his loyalty to the Inlet...and Dögun.

Icelandic | Grullo [ Ee aa Dd] | 13.2 hh King of the Inlet


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