A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


There Are No Heros...in Life, the Monsters Win

There is No Honor in Tricks


The petite femme finally had a moment away from her sister, away from the responsibility of taking care of her. As much as Nymeria insisted that she could take care of herself Lady knew better. Lady knew that her sister was still too young to be on her own, to really take care of herself by herself. Nymeria would not survive without Lady. Well that’s how it had been before they had joined the pack. The gray femme was sure that Striker was a good enough leader to take care of the lupines in his pack, or at least he seemed that way. She could only hope that if anything were to happen to her that their new pack would help take care of the younger girl, would not let her waste away to nothing and die. The femme shook her head, wanting to push thoughts of her sister out of her head. She had gone off to get away from her, not to sit and think about her. It was really only a matter of time before her annoying sibling found her way to her and ruined her moment of peace.

Lady had reached a spot to sit and relax for a bit when she saw him. After rudely staring for a moment she sat with her back to him, plume delicately curled around her petite paws. She snuck another look at the brute over her shoulder, but she caught his eye and she knew she had not been as sneaky as she thought. She knew that she should not be staring, but she couldn’t help it, there was just something about the unique looking brute. Lady forced her head back to the front, looking out over the area of river that she had stopped at, trying to clear her head. And then she heard someone approaching and she froze, tense, ears pricked. Lady turned her head slightly, wondering if it was the uniquely handsome male that she had seen. It was, he was approaching her. Fear bubbled inside her. What did he want? Was he coming to reprimand her for staring, for her rude gesture? She had no idea what to do. She thought maybe if she ran she would catch him off guard and get away, but if he chased her that could make it so much worse. The femme was so used to experiencing such cruelty from the males that were supposed to be noble and just that she couldn’t trust any of them. She did not know what was to be expected of her anymore. She had done all she was supposed to when she was a captive, and yet it never satisfied him. No matter what she did he always hurt her and her family and always told her it was her fault. And now a strange male was approaching her after she had rudely stared at him, she could only assume that he was approaching her to hurt her and scold her.

Before Lady had a chance to make up her mind on whether or not she was going to run for it or stay and take what she deserved he was there and now it was too late to run. The femme pulled her audettes flat on her head, lowering her gaze to the ground submissively, hoping that he would not harm her too much. And then his lyrics reached her ears and she perked them up again, confused by his words. “Hello, miss. My name is Zorion, may I please inquire as to your own name? Such a one as you must surely have a lovely name to match your lovely face.” He seemed…nice. He did not seem like he was going to hurt her and so she raised her gaze, yellow orbs meeting his brown ones. A smile was upon his kissers and it made his handsome face that much better looking. And then Lady was smiling back, she couldn’t help herself, his smile made her want to smile. She wanted him to keep the smile upon his kissers. ”Thank you sir,” she spoke politely and with a small giggle in her throat. ”My name is Lady. It is nice to meet you.” Her gaze continued to stay upon his face, wondering what else she should say, if she was supposed to say anything else to him. She did not want to displease him and was not sure if she should apologize for staring, but as he seemed nice enough she decided not to, hoping it had not offended him and not wanting to bring it up if he had. The femme blushed when she looked towards him again, staring at him from underneath her eyelashes.


**Lady**Ess**Heartless**Pupless**Moondown Shadows**Older Teen**Sister of Nymeria, Grey Wind, Summer, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet



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