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-takes out tiny fancy glasses- oh my

Alright ! So I do love the color scheme a lot! The birds in the sky, though they could be outlined a little, look great! I feel like the one next to him should be a little more outlined too. Anyway!

The wolf lacks fur... LSVK's advice is what I did when I was manipping using only a mouse (I'm assuming you are? If not, I have a lot of advie from my trials and errors that could be helpful!).

I feel like you should try drawing some grass? This can be hard to do, as I've learned. BUT it does end up looking so much better in the end. The skull is really too bright, but if you were to hide it within grass I feel it could help it blend a little more!

Also, just a personal preference, I don't like adding fancy text to manias. I feel it takes away some of the feeling? I'd recommend adding it into the table, or maybe even just lowering the opacity on the text layer and adding a more normal text.

Also, what program do you use to edit your images?

  • ah nice! -

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