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Maybe or Maybe Not

I realise this request is kind of unusual in it's nature, as it would be a manip containing not one, but two wolves (they'd share a table). I've had them for a while and I am rather eager to use them soon, so I figured I would at least put them forth here and give them a chance ^^

Character Name: Thanos and Samuel

Age: Both adults

Gender: Both male

Appearance: Thanos: Light brown (almost like a chocolately/almond colour) with black speckling across his back and chest area's. He has pale green eyes. Lean and on the small side in terms of the average wolf. Samuel: Larger and ebony coloured, with dark brown paws reaching half-way up each leg. Matching dark brown eyes. More of a brawny build.

Personality & History: Thanos is a masochist, and a very typical one at that. He comes across as very needy and demanding of others, emotionally dependant. In stark comparison, Samuel is a sadist who enjoys the pain of others no matter how guilty he may come to feel about it later. He also suffers from Clinical Vampirism, hence his strange seeming obsession with blood. These traits combined tend to make him quite the loner and withdrawn from social interaction. These two are inseparable, having met in their young teenage years and bonding over their differences from the social norm. Both wolves are bi-sexual however are not in a relationship together, and are more platonic and dependant than anything else. Both were cast out from their packs seen as defective and abominations, and when they finally discovered each other shortly after that, have spent the rest of their teenage years and beginnings of adulthood adventuring and attempting to find somewhere where they would not be harshly judged on their differences.

Ideas?: I was thinking definitely a darker themed background for these two, something that captures the unique darker themes of the two.

RPG: Blossomforest

OOC NAME: PixieEclipse


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