we'll ride in the gathering storm - " />
The Lost Islands

we'll ride in the gathering storm


We'll ride in the gathering storm

The pain, the dispair was revealed with each sentence that they shared, slowly he was figuring out the chestnut next to him. She tried her best to play out as if her world was all rainbows and butterflies, but there was darkness. A darkness that no matter how desperately she tried, she could not hide, nor rid herself of its existence. He could feel her fear, a fear that she tried to hide, she knew the awful truth. That her young colt, was not as strong as the others, that he was different. Even though the colt has not even spoke a word to the grullo, he still felt almost a fatherly adoration for him.

As their embrace started, he could feel her tension, the wince as his muzzle touches her skin. Had she never felt the warm embrace of another stallion? What has life done to her? Her words fill his ears. You cannot control the world, Dögun This was the truth, but he had learned to not worry about those things that you cannot control. Every moment was to be cherished, no matter the level of difficulty. As her nicker escapes her lips, it breaks the silence for only a moment, than he speaks. "I do know that I cannot control the world, my dear Macabre. But we are not to fear. What I can control, is how I react to the events that have been placed in my path. We are to cherish each minute that we have been given." He pauses, knowing that his words were becoming quite philosophical. Taking a breath, he begins to speak again, but her next words take him by surprise.

"You cannot stop death from coming for my child." As the words exit her mouth, he pulls his forehead from hers, searching her eyes. Surprise is written on his dark face, he had known this was coming, but to hear the words spoken aloud. He had hoped that it had been his imagination, perhaps playing tricks on him. His throat felt tight, almost as if the air was being choked from him. He had brough them here, to the Inlet, to protect them. He had failed. Shame creeps into his dark eyes, guilt. As the realization begins to press in on him, he felt, inadequate.

"I have tried to keep you two safe... I have failed you Macabre." Swiveling his dark head towards Shiraz, he watches as the colt plays, unaware of his impending demise. He couldn't bring himself to look into Macabre's eyes, the pain that she hid, he now understood.

Icelandic | Grullo [ Ee aa Dd] | 13.2 hh
King of the Inlet

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