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Post to Critic:

Dance, my little puppets,
set your soul free.
Dance, my little puppets,
dance just for me.
     Enderly’s sixth sense was quite remarkable. Or perhaps her skills were just waning. Her bluff for killing Maeve had been called out by the little poppet, and now Enderly didn’t even try to dodge her. Not that she was entirely disappointed as she collapsed on top of him with his scruff tightly in her jaws. Her heart twisted with excitement at the feel of Enderly beneath her. So close! The precious prey was just ready to be murdered… She clenched her jaw down tighter, half thinking she might abandon her previous resolve and eat him. Her eyes stretched wide in this moment and her mouth salivated, coating his fur with drool.

     Before she had lost her thoughts complete, she felt the brush of his paws around her shoulders. The simple action of a wolf, not prey, saved her brain the fall into bloodlust. Her jaw slackened and she let his skin slip free with no blood drawn. Enderly’s words caused Nakki’s throat to produce a purr-like noise and she allowed his teeth to pull at her ear a moment before she flicked it out of them. She would hardly consider herself a pet, but if he believed such a thing, then she’d allow him to. Nakki imagined the idea to be quite beneficial to her if she should ever like to complete her hunt of him. At the same time, the word astonished her pleasantly. Hadn’t she tried to kill him first? She’d have to start attacking more wolves if this was the reward if they survived.

     She pressed her muzzle into the side of his neck to engulf her sense of smell with his scent. Diveen was a recent smell, as were many other no name wolves. Her eyes narrowed into sharp analytical slits at the strong aroma of Naamah. A friend of Lillith was a subject of study to Nakki and while she had never met the female personally, she took care to know the smell and figure of the wolf. Enderly certainly had a taste for dangerous females. Her eyes gleamed and she raised her head to look down on him with a look so adoring, one might actually think she loved him.

     The look vanished from her eyes a moment later and became windows of sultry as her lips slid back over her teeth as her tail waved behind her and inched her nose closer to his.

     She told him, “Next time you sneak up behind me, don’t waste your chance.”

     She placed her paws on either side of him and pushed herself up to stand above him. Nakki observed the spit she had left on his scruff for a moment to give his mind time to run off with her words before she snapped her jaws close his his face, threatening to clamp his muzzle in them viciously.

     “Unless your puppy’s teeth don’t know how to break skin?”

     Perhaps he was worthy of knowing how to kill another wolf, if he hadn’t. Diveen had probably seen fit to improve his skills, but she doubted they had used him yet. She'd yet to use him as well… maybe she’d take advantage of his knowledge of being within their borders tonight. He might know an interesting character or two that she could exploit with her enemy's borders.
iromar // ♀ // 12 yrs // 37 in // 120 lbs //
i've no mate // i've no pups //
my puppeteer is toulouse //
html by lucky // image

ooc: This is a response to Enderly from Nakki in Mecor Valley. Thank you for your time and help!

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