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goes the clock

We laughed at fate and mourned her;

To some this place was magical. To her this place was useless. In all her travels she had never heard of a land where Fate decided to match you up, connecting your soul, without your permission to someone not of your choosing. If she would have known this place existed, and that Fate would dare to do such a thing…then she wouldn’t have bothered to come here at all. She was not a creature that believed that her soul could be controlled by another, much less, be tied to another. She was a dark hideous creature. The only thing she trusted from Fate, was the curse mark that was branded on her forehead, and the meaning behind it. She was meant to become a Monster, just as Fate had bestowed upon her. So, she did as she was meant to be. She lived on her own, survived on her own, and Heaven or Hell help any creature that stood in her way that considered themselves a threat. They were not a threat, they were never a threat. There wasn’t a damn thing on this Earth that scared her. She was far too gone in her mind to experience Fear. Yet she could smell fear on anyone nearby, and those particular creatures were not meant to stay within her presence.

The tracings of winter could be noticed throughout the ever changing woodland. Throughout the sunny day a chilled wind seemed to rang its nails through her thick ebony and grey coat. The howling winds tugged and pulled through her thick ebony fur dusted with grey but she continued to press on. It had been already a full year since she left the child of her imprint to the paws of Iromar. She had left her first and only pup to the claws and teeth of Iromar. The deal with the Demon Lord was done and over with. The child did not need her anymore to survive on milk alone. With the tools she taught her, and with her newfound pack, Raven should be able to survive…and if not…then she might as well die than admit to shame. Yet she wasn’t the only Mother that abandoned her child. She had gone through this year without smelling a trace or feeling a hint that her imprint was around- he was gone and she was glad of it. The winter wind was carrying with it a stench that caused her ebony hackles to rise. Mountain Lion. She had a run in with one a few years ago, protecting and saving some old white wolf and his son. Even though she killed the old cat she still disliked this particular feline and she was more than happy to go on a little hunting spree.

As she crept through the woodland she came across the feline beast sleeping on a perched rock, basking underneath the sun. It was a young adolescent feline one that simply thought too much of itself to believe it could be attack. It was young and naïve and small, but still it was food and really- why should a mountain lion live? Sneaking down, carefully, her ebony lips pulled back to reveal her sharp ivories. It didn’t take long for the Monster to pounce on the non-expecting mountain lion, sinking her teeth into the back of its neck. How she was able to creep on the mountain lion and kill it so quickly, was a trick she had learned long ago. Being alone meant you had to be cautious, alert, and everso clever. Should you ever attack a creature that was capable of taking you down…you had to know how to kill it and fast. Pleased with her kill she would begin to sink her fangs into its side taking the warm meat and swallowing it down whole. It is a shame that the lupine could not eat the entire kill, for even though the feline was young and small, it was still a shame to waste its death on sitting out for just any unworthy creature to eat the leftover pieces. So, the she-wolf would eat her fill slowly without a damn care in the world, intense violet and blue eyes scanning the area every now and then just in case someone dares to attempt to take her meal away.

Tick Tock
goes the clock, even for
the monster.
no home, no mate, Imprint: Chael, Created: Raven
♥ dante & m&m

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