we'll ride in the gathering storm -" />
The Lost Islands

we'll ride in the gathering storm


We'll ride in the gathering storm

As the grullo's lips graze her shoulder, his hooves dance beneath his body. Dark tipped ears flicker back and forth as he watches in amazement as she she sidesteps away and pivots all in a single movement. The silver beauty whirled to face him, her tenseness through out her whole body until she realized that he had been the stalker. "Dogun. You gave me such a fright" A bit of guilt strikes at the back of his mind but it was quickly erased as she let out a lighthearted melodic laugh. "Did my flattery work?"

"I would follow you anywhere, Dogun" Stepping from the underbrush, as he sets his hooves on the well worn path, he feels her muzzle against his cheek. Before he could even give light to her words, she abruptly pulls away, leaving him confused for a moment. Was she scared to show any kind of affection? "I will not lead you astray. Trust me." Silence envelops the pair of horses, his ochre eyes search her face. Searching for anything that might give him a clue, a key to unlock the mystery that was her.

Just as the silence was stretching to long, she speaks trying to lighten the situation...Pony King. That would be him, chuckling he nudges her with his dark muzzle before stepping in front of her. "Follow me, soon the forest will thin out and we can walk side by side." Pausing with a smile and a light hearted tone in his voice he continues. "I look forward to the stories of your life. I promise you will not bore me, but I might fall asleep." Hooves step forward, leading her through the dark pines. This was their home and he was honored to show her to the Northern border that overlooked the Bay. He took pride in the Inlet and the herd of mares that he had acquired over the past months. Each day they grew closer as a family and now he had a chance to grow closer to Silver.
word count: 339

Icelandic | Grullo [ Ee aa Dd] | 13.2 hh
King of the Inlet


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