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Won't you turn my soul into a raging fire?

Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!

Fumareta hana no namae mo shirazu ni
Chi ni ochita tori wa kaze o machiwabiru
Inotta tokoro de nani mo kawaranai
Ima o kaeru no wa tatakau kakugo da

Shikabane fumikoete Susumu ishi o warau buta yo
Kachiku no annei kyogi no hanei Shiseru garou no jiyuu o!

Torawareta kutsujoku wa hangeki no koushi da Jouheki no sono kanata emono o hofuru Jäger
Hotobashiru shoudou ni sono mi o yaki nagara Tasogare ni hi o ugatsu
Guren no yumiya

  • Test 2 -
    Test 3 -

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