The Lost Islands

a lover sinking in the sea

It still takes Freya several moments to understand Satitba's strange, thick accent. The gears turn constantly in her head, and when she finally figures out what is being said, she gives a small smile accompanied by a nod. "Yes, I am." She shifts slightly, ears swivelling forward to catch Satitba's next words. She manages to pick out the two names quickly - Josh and Fundamental. The names are not familiar to her. "I have not met anyone with those names around here. Or anywhere, for that matter." She frowns. In her time on these Islands, she has met many an equine, but none by the name of Josh or Fundamental. "But you never know. They might be lurking around the Islands somewhere." She offers a reassuring smile. Satitba seems the spirited kind, not one to easily give up. Freya wishes only the best for her on her journey to find these two horses.

She doesn't blame Satitba for wanting to visit the Island on which she was born. Freya understood her position - in her younger years, she had briefly considered trekking back to the spot where her mother had birthed her, but decided against it. Now, years later, she regretted it, but knew it was too late to go back. She had made a home and a life here, in the Islands, and it would not be worth it anymore.

"How many of you live here? .... Oh, and, um, I'm Sable, by the way." The seal brown interjects, drawing her attention back, and Freya turns her crystalline eyes towards her. "There are many of us. There is Dogun, the king, and myself, the lead mare. As well as our second-in-command and his one mare and her daughter. Then there are six herd mares, two of which have children. And one lone filly, whose mother I have been unable to locate." she pauses for a moment. "So, thirteen, in all." She gives a nod, hoping Sable is satisfied with her answer. She shifts as silence settles between them, blue eyes glancing back and forth between the two women. "If you would like to continue on your journey, I will leave you be. You know what do you if you run into someone giving you trouble." she grins, taking a few steps back and pausing to see if either of them would say anything.

((ooc: no worries!!)

five. georgian grande. bay dun roan sabino
lead mare of the inlet. no children. pippa.


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