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Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free; you can't take the sky from me. Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back. Burn the land and boil the sea; you can't take the sky from me. Leave the men where they lay, they'll never see another day. Lost my soul, lost my dream; you can't take the sky from me.
lost my soul
Name: Reaver
Age: Five
Gender: Male
Eye Color: A darker teal than his mothers with striations the same dark green as his father and brother.
Appearance: His base coat is a perfect white. Black coloring starts on his muzzle(covering it entirely - top and bottom jaws-) before traveling down the length of his nose bridge, down his forehead, and just past his shoulders where it will finally stop.The black fur is rimmed in russet, dubbing him with the the customary angel mark as the red fur continues along the edges of the black fur all the way down his forehead, neck, and shoulders. At the point past his shoulders where the black fur stops red fur begins to overtake his back - thickening out to take up most of the top of his back - and runs all the way down to past the midpoint of his tail. The red fur that dominates most of the top lower back is trimmed in a rich obsidian like his fathers that rims the red mark on his lower back and tail. The black outlining descends farther down his thighs before surrounding the red on his tail - creating an inverted angel mark.
He is tall - taller than both his parents - and will tower formidably over most. Luck combined his mother soft beauty and his fathers chiseled heart breaker looks combined to make this wolf made to control hearts. As a pup he will have some of the raw powerful beauty he will possess later in life. He will be big at birth - born with large paws - and will grow rapidly - although his paws will seem to grow with him until he reaches adulthood. Hard muscle lines every contour of his body, thickening around his front shoulder - leaving his mid section a bit thinner - and his back haunches and thighs. The extra muscle there help with precision movements to make up for the added weight - making him something of an all rounder. He will never be the strongest or the fastest but he will still be able to brawl and race.
His fur is thicker than average and soft to the touch. The fur grows longer around his scruff, down between his shoulder blades, and on his tail.
Reference: link
Height/Weight: 42 inches, 216 pounds
Lineage: Tobias x Aaliyah

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