
There are no mistakes, just learning opportunities!
Got a fancy new code you want to test? Want to experiment with some new colours? Here’s where you can get messy, get the wrinkles ironed out and polish your posts to perfection!
You can also ‘store’ your codes here for future use or editing.
Need some help finding the problem, or want some fresh eyes? Don’t be afraid to ask! Just remember to set a password for your posts so you can edit them and remember to close your tags. Happy coding!

Theft is not tolerated here at Lunar Children and that includes HTML, so be sure to get permission if the source doesn’t explicitly state that it’s free to use.

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Another note --

I wanted to add that the above is NOT an endorsement. I don't support rewriting my tables, especially the ones I worked really hard on for individuals who kindly ordered from me. I provide free tables for your use on my website here, so please don't take advantage of me. Still, if you DO feel the need to hijack and rewrite my tables in spite of me making myself readily available to take orders over here AND providing the aforementioned free tables for you to edit and abuse to your hearts' content, please do not remove my credits. If you feel a deep personal connection to a certain table, note me on dA or hit up my chatango and I'd be happy to discuss modifications with you! Thanks to Jailheart and Joey both for asking me privately of their own accord!

Thank you! Much love for the continued business you kindly provide me with.


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