A pirate flag and
The Lost Islands

A pirate flag and an island girl

Cerulean eyes settle on the ebony mare besides her, her tense muscles visible under her glistening hide. The mare jumps into a long explanation of her reasoning behind her anger towards Cae, some of it made sense. She tried her best to listen carefully, but her mind began to wander. Perhaps it was her young age, or it was that she was easily distracted. A jerk of delicate crown brings her attention back to the mare, at the mares warning. Involuntarily her ears swivel backwards, she did not like being warned, a snort exits her pink nostrils. A bit of irritation laced on the edge. "I do not expect an apology, I reacted in the way that I did, for in that moment I felt that it was the right thing to do. " Raising her delicate crown, her cerulean eyes flick around, searching for the herd. Content to find them on the other side of the clearing, she drops her lips to the clover once again. Her lips finding the sweetest of the clover, before she eagerly crops it up.

A single ear swivels to Azazel as she explains the events of the Forest before she had come to call this her home. Than she mentions the end of the peaceful days, her anxiety begins to swell in her chest. She has had this feeling playing at the edge of her mind as well, the feeling that the peace was short lived. "I agree, I feel the tensions rising on the Lost Islands as a whole. It is an uncomfortable feeling, but I believe I am prepared for what is to come." Whatever event that was, she was not sure, but she was ready to defend her home if need be. Her delicate ears flicker to and fro. Than Azazel begins to pry about foals, a surprised huff escapes her lips. She had not expected their conversation to take such a turn. A bit of warmth rises in her cheeks, the thought had crossed her mind, but she feared she was to young for such a commitment.

"I am still unsure if I am ready to have a foal yet. They are super adorable but I also feel that it is quite the commitment. And Im not sure if I am ready for it. " She had thought of this for some time, but had not yet had the courage to voice it out loud. Perhaps it was the expectation of it all, mares were supposed to birth their stallions heirs. But at this moment in time Cae could barely take care of herself, let alone a foal.


a pirate flag and an island girl


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