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Zelly Test


Zeltzin was trotting home, a smile was set on her maw and her tail waving behind her. Her run in with Lucero had been very nice. He was polite if not a little overly so, but still it was kind of him to talk with her and share in some of his stories of the free lands. Zelly dare say that she may have made a friend. She had been out of the pack a bit longer than she had expected to be but she couldn’t say she was unhappy about it. They had plenty of hunters now that Zeteri was back and she was taking her own family with her. She hadn’t been home very long, not far into the pack and just wandering around the lands relaxing not far in. It had been a very long walk home from the Crags to Taviora and while her body was pretty fit the excitement of the day had gotten to her a little bit.

Stretching out her slender form Zeltzin gave a yawn. Being out of the pack was pretty awesome she had to admit but nothing felt more comfortable than being at the familiar stomping grounds of home, but something strange still clawed at her. The girl wasn’t sure, but something felt… off about her, even though she was at home. She hadn’t thought for some time about the white pelted brute, but suddenly the Heyel lookalike came to mind. Anselm, he called himself and she was too nervous to even say her own before bowing out and running right home. It was her first experience out of the lands and it was scary and strange.

Like this feeling. She had wondered since that day if maybe he was her imprint. She was born of and imprint bond and always thought it was stronger than this, so she disregarded it more. It didn’t dawn on her the varying strength it had depending on the wolves bound. She looked around, giving the air a sniff and noticing her brother was near, just coming home too but he wasn’t alone and the scent made a jolt go thrown her that made her body tingle and fur stand on end. It was him, wasn’t it? There was no doubt in her mind.

Curious the girl began to go towards the borders of Taviora again, to greet her brother and also her brother’s guest who she could only assume to be him. Who else had ever instilled this feeling into her? Her petite form began easily trotting towards them, her tail not waving simply held half staff and still. She was nervous to say the least. It wasn’t long before she saw the all too familiar form of her brother accompanied by a huge white form that she immediately knew as Anselm. There was no mistaking the way he carried himself and the look of his face. She just stood there not sure what to do or say, they were both still wet from doing something though she could hardly guess what. Perhaps fate had a strange way of working and Dexter had actually made friend. It was hard telling with his rather straight face. Zeltzin stood waiting and silent. Perhaps they had business with their father, perhaps Anselm wanted to join. Really all the girl wanted to do in this meeting was make sure that strange feeling was indeed him, and it was, but what would come of this?

html © dante.

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