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She had heard that all of them save Uncle Heehaw and Sabby had gone stark raving mad. Angels and Demons, naming lands things like Glorall and Iromar, starting wars already -- and well, why not leave? Dimitri was as much of a brother as any girl could hope - unless that girl was Delta. She had not known why it was her mother decided that every child was hers, but it proved a poignant issue in Delta's life that she would grow so close to her brother and be destined for him to find someone new - someone better. He had always been hers and yet the idea of him finding love met her mind with bittersweet tones. She did not understand that her father had broken her mothers blood in her. She did not understand Jealousy by name. It was a hateful feeling, what she felt when she saw other girls catch his eye.

How did leaving help? Well she didn't have to see it. She didn't have to watch the boy she loved so savagely start to stray. She loved Sabriel as she ought to - but somehow she had managed to crave the less wanted of the two brothers. She left and snuck in amongst the caves of crystals and lived there for quite a time, leaving only to take breath at the mouth of the cave after she had grown accustomed to the darkness - the sheer living black that inhabited the belly of the cave. It had been peaceful - but she had been lonely. Lonely and then she awoke to find that she wished to hunt better things than bats and rats and snakes and moles. She wanted more, she needed more.

And so she peers out at the world again, more now than she had in a long time but to discuss things with random travelers. Her ears perk and she notes that there must be someone nearby - her well tuned ears hearing much since her time in the echoing bowels of the earth. "Who is there?" She feels strange, using her voice again. She feels strange and yet accomplished in speaking. Her voice is still lovely beneath the newness of vibrations in her vocal chords. "What is the season? Am I in the crater?" Because well, green can be in any season and she had found many tunnels that led to many openings.

The Fallen Archangel

[ male - eleven years - 41 inches, 179 pounds - no mate - iromar ]

so stay away from me - the beast is ugly


i must confess that i feel like a monster.


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