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epitaph updates

I found my old notes, though not the old epitaph html (my comp crashed and i lost that) but here are the problems i noticed (the ones who presently have titles listed, but are duplicates, I removed the duplicate that should be something different)....

2) Litherum
Chasca was given the title that was already Yojimbo's "The Stargazer" when we first made the epitaph, so this shouldn't be there.

6) Trenus
Wilflaed's first reign had Zelda as her Imprint and "The Golden Queen" as her title

8) Scotavia
Fenrir was not "son of scotavia" but "The Dragonborn"

11) Glorall
Weylin's original title was "The Pirate King"
the second title was "The Mad King" and Selene had been "The Sea Queen"

17) Historical
This is what I had for the "firsts of Moladion" in the old epitaph in order of occurance with appropriate edits to names and recently added titles.

(if you remove "moladion" from the "world" column, you can extend the box of the "notability" column!)

- Siegos "The Red Baron", Asthore "The Ever-Blessed" | male, female | old moladion | solevion | the first mated pair of old moladion | bab, enfection
- Zelda "The Gray Lord", Wilflaed "The Golden Lady" | male, female | old moladion | trenus | the first imprinted pair of old moladion| jackal, bab
- Cambria "The Woeful" | female | old moladion | judila | first death in old moladion | enfection
- Neirin "The Shining Prince" | male | old moladion | trenus, scotavia | first born pup in old moladion | bab
- Seamus "The Shadow-Grin" | male | old moladion | ferrine, scotavia | first survivor of The Flood in old moladion | bab
- Ifrit "The Bloody Baron" | male | old moladion | solevion, scotavia | first murderer of old moladion | bab
- Cobryn "The Casanova King" | male | old moladion | loner | the first male casanova | casidhe
- Dude "_", Jaye "_" | male, female | old moladion | mirovis | first reimprinted pair | kite, chant
- Cassidhe "_" | female | old moladion | gypsies | the first female casanova | casidhe
- Dude "The Seer" | male | old moladion | mirovis | saved wolves of old moladion | kite
- Hawthorn "The Shepherd" | male | old moladion | gypsies | led exodus of old moladion | lorikeet
- Yojimbo "The Stargazer" | male | old moladion | trenus | saved wolves of old moladion | lz
- Yojimbo "_", Pompeii "The Wild Woman" | male, female | new moladion | diveen, gypsies | first imprinted pair of new moladion | lz, bab
- Tobias "The Black Prince", Aaliyah "_" | male, female | new moladion | loners | first mated pair of new moladion
- Finley "The White Knight" | male | new moladion | diveen | the first death in new moladion | bab
- Jaidah "_" | female | new moladion | iromar | the first murderer of new moladion | apollymi
- Andromeda "The Starchild", Samael "The Fallen Archangel" | female, male | new moladion | diveen, iromar | first kidnapped, first kidnapper | lz, bab
- Daenerys "_" | female | new moladion | spirane | first born pup in new moladion | castle
- Jaye "_" | female old moladion | glorall | first living great grandmother | chant
- Heyel "The Angel King" | male | old moladion | diveen | first living great grandfather | kite

  • also -
    >>>> -
    lol -

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