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your heart set on fire


your heart set on fire

kerosene dream
your heart set on fire & the whole town screamed
Fangs clack on empty air and a furious, screeching roar erupts from the girl as she tries to snap and catch the foxy baby as the escape is made. Fury climbs into fever pitch as she looses her meal to a hole in the wall, her ears flattening on her skull. With a huff, Jaidah sets her haunches down, staring into the hole, her attention turning to the male.

"Want to go find something better than deer...or squirrel?"

She gives the male a smirk and sits as far away from the carcass as she can. How can he stomach deer with wolf on the mind? All she thinks is that if he turns on her, she will be fed for the entire winter season. No more hunting if she stores his handsome body correctly, down here would be bitterly cold in winter, and she could keep him here. It would be kind of like having a big pet throw rug. Her eyes gauge him, watch him, never leaving his form as he answers her. She is hungry, he may not be. Either way they are both dangers to each other. She stands, facing the way she came in, ready to go and run down some little treat that will satisfy both craving creatures.
temptress ;; four ;; heartless ;; soul-less ;; susil crags are home


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