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|Hear Me|


The older girl did her best to hold steady on her golden back paws as she put herself onto her hind legs and braced her front paws against the tree to get even more height. Sadly still they were both too small to do little more and the creature skittered off against the wood away from the both of them. Sad the girl lowered herself, the smaller girl of black and gold leaping from her head back to the ground leaving Tuari to look up searching for the form of the little creature her colored-look alike had in pursuit of. She didn’t see it, but soon the light voice of the girl caused her head to look round to her, Tuari’s white and gold tipped tail waving lightly until she realized she wanted her name.

Adults she ran into, at least in Taviora, seemed to know who she was. She knew her mother was in the higher ranks of the pack so that was probably why but the younger ones she was at a loss what to do. Her face fell slightly but she didn’t even get a chance to try to even move her lips to at least mirror giving her name before the harsh tones of an equally young silver boy came slipping out an over the area. She watches him golden rimmed ears falling back at his tone, though she couldn’t speak she knew what tones meant what and this wasn’t a very nice one! Her face turned into a serious one and though she had no voice as she stood behind the little girl her eyes and face showed the very dislike from what he had said.

The mute girl gave a firm nod at the girl’s words lips pursed slightly and eyes still narrowed. Pups had fun right? She recalled the fun her and Yoska had with their father chasing around things until they learned to hunt. He said it was good practice! She was quite good at it too! Father said she had her mother’s talent which she took to be a good thing. She could hunt, perhaps she could show the boy that and it would shut him up! But there was no harm in playing either. Still she could do little more than listen and nod, giving her expressive faces all the while. For now she would just have to listen, actions spoke louder than words sometimes, though perhaps he father only told her that to make her feel better.

html by dante!


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