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=I'm on Top of World=

It's a long way up once you hit the ground

I shifted on my paws I wondered what I should do with my Imprint. I know father’s life is coming to an end, I want him to see my children, his grandchildren and Orion would be the only wolf I would be willing to have children with. It was only right after all that it would be him that I should bear children for after all. How does one go about asking though? I am the daughter of Heyel and I do not prance around such topics. I know it is a male’s duty to request being mates but to ask for children? Did that have a specific gender? I would like children while I am young to be with them for as long as I can. Still perhaps it was good to, not ask. As much as I desire to have my father know his blood has yet again been passed on with his new mate. I know family is very important to my father and to see me as a Mother would make him very happy. I want to be a mother as well.

It is obvious I am lost in my thoughts for a moment, forgetting what we were talking about. It wasn’t me, so it was easy to get a little distracted as he talked about this friend of his. I knew enough that made Orion happy, and perhaps I would go with him to Spirane. I hear my rude half-sister and her ilk no longer reside there after all perhaps it could be a pleasant trip. But no that might be defeating half the purpose. ”Then go, we are close by after today ends you can spend a night or two in Spirane and return to me in Diveen.” I say my tail giving a little wave. It wouldn’t be fun being away from him, but I can’t be completely selfish in regards to my imprint can I? I know he only has eyes for me as I do him so what could go wrong? Nothing and if something did Spirane would have hell to pay by their allies the angels, I would be sure to see to that.

”Hrmph! So you think!” I tease lightly, ”Dear sister is a grandmother now, means she is getting older and perhaps softer in flesh and I have been training very hard so you don’t know that I might be challenging for that throne.” Of course I would never dream of it. My father molded Isola for that throne, wished her to be there and lifted her up until she was nearly as great as him. I wouldn’t dare take away what was rightfully hers. But Achilles and his children, well they might have to look out.

”Well we should be having you meet more wolves then those plain old warriors then. Perhaps hang around the assassins like I do. We are a classy lot you know." Brother Azrael perhaps? No he is much too… mean. Plus he never did like the fact that I existed. I will not have anyone treat my Orion with any hate or they will suffer for it. ”We will find some way to make it easier.” I say tail giving a flick, I knew I could think of something.

Of Heyel & Zen ~ Only Orion's ~ Diveen Assassin


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