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aurai - wolf

He had followed the two females from that crater with about as much surety any individual might have when traipsing into a demon den. there was no safety guaranteed him, no surety that if the rumors had become true of his once-brethren, he would even be safe. but then there is something that calls him home, tells him to come if only to find that little marsh where he had lost his dearly adopted brother’s death-place… careful to leave jaidah’s garden…. dead or not, the she-wolf had always been mentally deranged and he would rather not know of just how many she had slaughtered for her ornaments…

his feet are heavy, but he lifts them nonetheless, glad for the herbal remedy that the second female had given him. the injuries do not pester him to rest, to lay down, and there is a stirring of that berserker breeding, training, and darkness that is swirling like the grime at the bottom of a lakebed stirred by passing motion. it is as though his ingrained brutality recognized it’s home and knew that it would soon be needed to put to use. as if it knew where it would be most useful or in need.

the wildness in his breast had been what spared him when Baphomet had annihilated his birth-pack and their attackers. the berserkers had been a threat and when the maddened demons (imagine, back then even the demons policed wolves that became like what Andras had become now...) had breached the berserker-bred angel’s borders… Baphomet had killed the black beasts as plentifully as he had eradicated the blood maddened berserkers who had been riled into a killing frenzy with their leader brought low.

he and his had slaughtered until the jaws of death had been brought to the door of one den set apart from the others -- one that was set up for the pups born archangels…

and that is when he had called them out. he called out the pups and they had come, fearless from birth - but only samael had passed his test. the other pup (his sister) was left in their wake, too unstable and marked not in a pleasing way -- a way that said she was as much demon as angel -- like he was. he had left her because it was the berserker way that if they were not strong enough to survive, they were not strong enough to be of use. spartan, some wolves called them. spartan in that they threw their children out into the elements far before they should… and if samael had asked for her company, he would be saying that she was too weak, naming her as lesser - not an archangel of the berserkers as she had been.

to this day he wonders if she had made her way or perished. one day, he knew, he would find out.

but for now he is on the border and halting despite following the two females here. "i obey the laws of my kind, i’m afraid. i will not step on the king’s soil without his welcome… can one of you tell King Andras that his predecessors brother has come home?"

[ female - zero years - 37 inches, 100 pounds - no imprint - no mate - asteraia ]




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