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ky test

Salem doesn’t really think too carefully about much. Her sides ache. The ghost doesn’t really give a damn for anyone around her now that the great sea lion is dead. The ghost eyed girl makes a grab for the throat of the great blubbering mass, lunging in. Salem finds herself drenched in the blood of the enemy, and it feels good. It feels so good. The dripping of blood all over her coat is warm, slipping through her pale, silken fur. Salem fixates on the creature and rips and tears. It’s something that he can’t help, tasting and ripping.

And so she comes away with a chunk of meat fit for the creature that had her breath knocked away. It was breathtaking, this place, anyway. The creature’s tail swings, watching the rest of the wolves feed. She’s never seen so much blood in her life, and it’s lovely. It’s so lovely. The creature feels everything clinging to her fur as she fixates on the gore of the scene before her. There’s something in her that’s simply… she’s sated. She’s so sated, and it feels… interesting. Everything is interesting, but the aching in her ribs is taking her over. She hurts.

Yet she fixates. There’s a creature off to the side, and it brings a growl to her throat. Salem rips away a piece of the meat, enough for herself, and is distracted before she can move to the stranger. Weylin moves to rip away the head of the sea lion—he wasn’t kidding, clearly. “You’re such a boy, Weylin.” The ghost shakes her head, the rest of her body, and the droplets of blood find their way onto the sand. With a roll of her eyes she makes off with the chunk of meat, hackles rising at the strange man. She speaks with her mouth full, watching the man with eyes narrowed. “It’s impolite to show up to dinner uninvited.” She’s speaking around the chunk of meat, watching the strange at a careful distance.

southern girl with a scarlet drawl
by jake help from russ

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