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your eyes black like an animal

deep in the wander
care for no one but the offspring of your mind

Name: Ajin
Gender: Male
Age: Two

Eye Colour: Dark red with a black limbral ring.

Measurements: 36 inches / 130lbs

Body Type: Ajin's body type could be described quite easily as an all rounder. He appears quite athletic with a sleek, smooth silhouette and long, tapered limbs. He excels predominantly in endurance and has a large ribcage to show for it; his waist is quite tapered, giving him an almost androgynous form. His features are sharp and angular with wide, haunting eyes.

Coat: Ajin's base colour is a creamy brown colour with a darker undercoat. This colour darkens to a more dark chocolate brown over his back and ears, running down his shoulders. There is also a congregation of darker fur over his forehead and running down his muzzle. There is also a slight darkening around his temples and eyes in a mask of sorts; his muzzle, and also around his eyes, is a paler cream colour, verging on white. His legs darken to a chocolate brown but the backs of his legs are fringed with a paler cream brown. His fur is average thickness but quite plush and unruly.

Traits: Ajin is quite imaginative, being ruled by an over active mind. He has a morbid fascination with the world and seeks adrenaline rushes. He does, however, come across with a rather child-like innocence as he does not have a moral compass to speak of. His fascination is pure and simple.

Other: Ajin suffers from Sensory Seizures (Partial Simple) that most often affect his vision, hearing and physical sensations. They are sporadic but are more often brought upon by emotional distress or excitement.

html by dante! image by deadendsoul

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