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basil - wolf

--- neirin

teeth meet flesh as the beast turns to look up at the giant red form of their solevion-bred brother, but it is not the flesh he wants as she dodges just degrees and makes him hit too high from his mark. the lucky truth, though is the arcing manner she tries to drive him into the earth only teeters her more and she goes down just as he releases to adjust his bite towards her throat once more, ears ringing and now entirely fixated on making his teeth find purchase in such a place that would end the cow’s misery swifter.

--- seamus

brown body curling, teeth rending, blood from neirin’s attack pouring down that thickly furred throat to brush over his own newly made wound on the cow. it has him savagely glad that his attack on the calf hadn’t distracted too terribly well - giving him a chance to pivot and lunge despite pulling the calf carcass only closer to them so a stray puma did not manage to make off with their second bounty. hooves flail, a knee of the cow’s making purchase at the base of his tail as she goes down and getting a hind paw in the rib from neirin’s mad dash to make a second bite. shaking his head he tries to open her up more at the low point of her throat.

--- fenrir

a quick dash sends fenrir around to the hind of the cow in a few bounds, managing to dart out of the way of the beast before she makes contact with the earth and kicks out to try and strike the second white female so as not to get crushed. he instead moves to take a mouthful of flank muscle now that the cow was down and no longer able to reach at the angle he would take a bite. savage teeth would tear into muscle near the tender hind meat where the roundness of the shape began and further debilitate the flailing of legs towards his companions.

--- ifrit

red giant, he rises and draws attention with not only his size, his color, but also the proximity to the cow where she is positioned only a yard from his perch and only two feet higher at his paws than her eyeline. he watches as the distraction is made and neirin and seamus both lunge, leaving fenrir to keep tabs and natu to snatch a leg to take her balance out from under her. he is almost content to be lazy, to let them finish her after seeing neirin’s regression from his more noble self and into the baser simplicity of tooth and claw… but that is when the second white female - the one who had made his chest swell and fur prickle in dangerous awareness and attraction - lunges in and the cow dares make contact with her white chest. his white chest, he thinks.

by the time fenrir makes his rotation to the back of her flanks, ifrit is leaping from his perch and barreling towards the cow’s hind-neck opposite of where neirin’s next bite had tried to make purchase - biting for just behind the ears but glad enough if he instead hits the bridge of her nose where he might suffocate her and stop the assault on the white she-wolf. it wasn’t love at first sight, i swear.

male | 2 years | 42 inches | 180 pounds
of no where | for no one




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