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nei & iffy - wolf

did his genes matter? likely not to anyone in moladion anymore. but born a prince, he would die one just as well. he would respect his mother and her memory by being precisely what she had trained him up and raised him to be. it was in respect to her memory and the pride of what he represented of old moladion that he led the four of the sons of the original packs as he did. he kept them together, bound them as brothers beneath the fathership of bahamut before and himself as brother-king now. king of the remnants of that bygone time that others deemed forgotten or forgettable. he clung in a different way than seamus, clung different than his brother fenrir and very differently to his red-brother ifrit. ifrit was a slow progression into his father’s savagery, priding himself on the violence of their parent’s people. the red wolf, his cousin in fact, was reverting slowly to what his father had been in his youth. fenrir was the only one who had ruled a pack for any amount of time, though that time had been short before the plague after the flood.

but what mattered now was the girl who had nothing to do with those old ways any more than she had partaken of them through his demeanor and willingness to help one in need despite a lack of land to recruit for and his true-word offering to be at her whims till she were done with his company. he can see the flicker of her face at his term of endearment, an ear of his own flicking back in subconscious caution for having stirred her enough by that little edge of familiarity and backtracking mentally a step without a thought on it otherwise. he ceases to speak, though, and he is graced by a lovely smile as lively and full of cunning as she had given otherwise thusfar. only, then, his sad bidding not to overexert her flirtations on someone not worth the attentions seems to jar her intriguingly.

40 inches | 185 pounds & 39 inches | 200 pounds




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