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Bow at Sunset; Praise the Gods

for you might not live another day

Name: Nenetl
Age: 13 years
Gender: Female

Eye color: Bright yellow around the pupil, fades to an orange-pink like the sunset and has very soft baby blue flecks within.
Height/Weight: 33 in/123 lbs
Coloration: Her base color is a soft tan color. A very soft creamy-white takes up most the rest of her body covering nearly her entire head and all around her neck as well as her undersides: stomach, legs, under-tail. The tan of her main body is on her cheeks going up to the sides of her muzzle but not covering the top as well as tips her ears. A slightly darker tan-brown trails under her eyes and borders the tan and cream of her cheeks, it also covers her back trailing off just before the tail and goes slightly down her shoulders. She also has some that covers her toes on all four paws. Her flesh (nose and paw pads) are a soft pink.
Fur: Thinner than average overall but her neck, tail, chest and face are average in length and all is quite soft to the touch.
Build: She is much lither than her brother, with long legs and a good sprint speed. Like her brother she can run for days her stamina lasting for ages though at a much faster pace. She has some muscle, but most of it is meant for hard snaps and holding rather than brute strength. Nenetl is not built for fighting in general nor does she wish to.

Personality: A firm believer in the Nahutal Gods, Nenetl preaches her beliefs. She is well versed in both her native tongue of Nahuatl as well as English for this purpose of being able to tell all and is quick to learn any language. She was never truly taught for battle given her position as a priestess, if a battle needs fighting she would use her words to spur her followers into taking care of the matter.
History: Older sister to Coszcotl she too hails from Nahuatl. Her rare colors suggested she was a gift from the gods thus she why she speaks of them so highly. She was a preacher while Coza was a warrior, his leaving was a betrayal of the gods and thus why she thought their clan had lost favor and finally fallen two years after his leaving. Eventually their clan was nearly wiped out, she was spared for their religious beliefs, but she still holds that they can regain the Gods favor. She left on a mission to spread the word of the Nahuatl Gods as well as attempt to appease the gods by either sacrificing her brother or dragging him back to Nahuatl.
Imprintablity: Yes
OOC - Meryl who apparently has no self Control.

Stat ~ Stat ~ Stat ~ Stat

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