The Lost Islands

never stop dreaming

— Reach for the stars —

Kodiak had been going fast, too fast to stop. Surprisingly he moved well on his long awkward legs. As he neared his father, the stallion sidestepped out of his way, and in his attempt to turn around Kodi tripped over his own hooves and tumbled into the ground with a squeak. Maybe he wasn't so good on those legs after all. Picking himself up, he turns to face Soljor, happily grinning up at the older male as if he hadn't just embarrassed himself a minute ago.

"I was coming after you," he says, not completely lying on what he was really doing away from Acelynn. Lucky for him that she decided to stay asleep, but not knowing that he looks over his shoulder; anxiously awaiting to see her come storming after him. When nothing came he breathed a sigh of relief and glanced back at his father. "No one else seems to be awake, so i got bored." He pouts, the same way Luana did when she knew she was going to be in trouble. It had gotten her out of some scoldings, so surely it would work for him as well.

Newborn - Colt - Mixed - Smoky Black Splash - 16.0hh(wfg)
html © dante. background image © ineedfire.

(sorry its short x.x)


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