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Playing :)

sometimes a shadow wins

It had finally happened. Shiloh had proven herself. She had arisen to the rank of Tranquil. The delight that flows through her body is consuming as she wakes up, spreading out her large figure in her wide den and digging her claws into the earthen floor with relief and pleasure. She had come back from Spirane with Amoxtli, proud at his success, and then took off to Diveen to spend some time with her parents. Visiting the mountains had opened up this need inside of her, the need only parents could fill, and so she had spent yesterday in their embraces speaking of all manner of things.

He is good for puppies. That phrase immediately jumped to the forefront of Shiloh's mind, making her cheeks heat beneath her obsidian fur. She had the temptation to almost bury her nose beneath her paws as if the world could read her thoughts. Would Amo know what she was thinking? Every time she looked at him now she would keep thinking of little black, gold, and cream puppies with mismatched eyes. What the hell was wrong with her? Mother put these thoughts in her head for a reason. She would shake them out!

Huffing in annoyance now, her pleasure at remembering her promotion dimmed by the way her stomach shredded itself with thoughts of Amoxtli and puppies, she finished her stretching. Hips in the air and long legs slapping the earth until finally she was ready to bound out of her den and into the bright sunlight of fall. Golden leaves had cascaded down to the ground almost overnight to create a fine symphony of crunching and shuffling. A burst of feathers and a tweet catches her attention in surprise as a group of sparrows fly upward around her den, one swooping down to clutch at her ear. Shiloh growled at them though it was half hearted as a grin split her maw. Her friends from home had followed her here, had come with her back to Taviora.

Watching them for a few minutes she felt complete here. Finally she shakes off her fur and begins a full out run through the trees, dodging and twisting out of the way of trunks and roots, over rabbit holes and creek beds, until she nears the site where Amoxtli usually sleeps. Normally she is always nearby ready to stroll through the woods and chat with him or try to draw him into her fumbling sort of play, but she had disappeared yesterday without a word since she had been so eager to see her parents. Hopefully he wouldn't think she was bored with him after spending time in Spirane with him since she could never be bored of her best friend.

"Amo! Prince!" She shouts, head turning from side to side in a furtive manner, peeking behind dying bushes and up trees as if he could somehow climb them. "Come out come out wherever you are!"

two - taviora - enamored with amoxtli - isola x kane

html by dante!

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