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Why she is going to the seaside pack with him is still a question in her mind. Aithne feels distinctly comfortable and uncomfortable as she presses past him yet the male does not attempt to crowd her. Maybe this feeling in between them somehow lets him know that such a thing would not be good, not for such a budding - something - between them. Then again Aithne is pretty clear about herself. She has always held herself with the complete knowledge of her own power. Some females attempted to exude a sexual overtone, coy, and some attempted the sweet version. There is only power in her movements, in her tone, in the way she stands up for herself despite the nervousness that clenches her belly. Aithne might be considered arresting in both looks and poise and if she knew how he thought of her as commanding, she would be rather pleased at the term.

It is as if she can feel each breath that passes from his maw. The electricity between them is palpable, an undercurrent that makes her both ill in temper and curious in nature. Preator lets her pass without molestation, not that she honestly expected it of him, and then he lunges past her to be in the front. Her eyes narrow and hackles raise slightly at the swift movement but she does not chide him, instead she enjoys the view, taking a chance to actually stare at him now as he leads. Preator was a mystery and this connection demanded she solve it.

His whispered words draw her attention with a snap, the way her eyes lunge to his and her ears tilt back in this uncomfortable state. If not for the bond between them she might have smirked, might have told him she did not worry because she was fairly certain she could take him, but that has nothing to do with the meaning in his words. Nothing to do at all. When he finally looks away with his eerie lavender eyes Aithne seems to find her lungs empty of air. Had she forgotten to breath? Her jaw opens now to take in the humid summer air as she leads her out of the swamps and in the direction of Glorall. She is honestly eager to see the pack and wonders if Vesper might spy her there. Well, if she was going for a visit then Preator would have to show her the food there.

html by dante!

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