The Lost Islands

fragile hope

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Peyton did as she was told and lowered her head to place her hooves carefully in the tracks her sister left behind. The young filly managed not to trip and once she was down from the climb and at her sister’s side once more she let out a heavy sigh. Glancing around, her ears twitched forward at the roar of the crashing waves and she again remembered her trip to the Forest. Quite the adventure that had been and Stardust had been there as well. Peyton wondered what her sister thought of so many trees in such a warm place but for now didn’t mention it. Instead she turned her eyes to the horizon.

The colors that washed across the sky with the rising sun were beautiful. Brown eyes widening with surprise, the young filly raised her head as wonder filled her face. “Wooow!” she exclaimed and for the first time Peyton’s fear disappeared from her features. The distraction and wonder had been good for the girl, making her curious as to what else there was to see in their home. With her young fuzzy foal tail rose slightly with her excitement she finally looks over to Stardust. “That’s amazing!” she exclaimed, glad she had trusted her sibling and followed her lead. “I bet you’ve seen so many wonderful things! I want to see them too.”
html by shiva; edited by frost | character by frost

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