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His scent lingers here, fresh fallen and traced with the blood of a feast and a surge of the raging hormones that so often accompany this particular season. I seem to be feeling it's affects with a shocking acuteness. Every inch of my frame burned with a yearning that panged right through from my core. Usually I am pleased to indulge my carnal nature and slip into the silk of the succubus dress and let myself feel like a Goddess to worship and be worshipped, yet such flames do nothing to stoke the emotions of desire or Passion this season. I am hollowed and entirely uninterested in the games of the sexes. There is nothing there for me. And so, I let my wild temptress locks flirt with the wind as I stalk his scent, allow the tempest of hormones to swirl through my veins like absinthe and aphrodesiacs, letting off the persuasive fragrances because I have no other choice in the matter. I can only ride the waves, feeling overheated and tense and entirely uncomfortable for the first time in my own Skin.

But he is here, and I must see him. This is the best chance I have at catching him so far from the City of Angels where we might speak freely without prying eyes or eavesdropping ears.

I have taken to covering my lopsided crown with the smudge of charred ash or soot, disguising my telltale harlequin mask that I cannot be discerned by the trademark any longer. My coat now bears the scent of the vast wildernesses beyond Moladian and very faintly of the River Pack Glorall where I have decided to take up residence for the time Being. But I know when the sees me, he will recognize me beneath the Charade. My eyes will be the key. The mismatched gems the finally come to rest on the white and rather... sated looking stature of Heyel.

He stands alone, though I doubt he has been so for very long. Perhaps the Angel King has found himself another Paramour, but I do not wish to think such things and so I simply let my analytical gaze cruise across his figure with an aloof indifference.

"Heyel," I speak his name so as not to surprise him when I slip into view and non-chalantly take a seat not far from his side. I nod to him slightly, my chin dipping subtle beneath the piercing arrows of my eyes. the links between Devil and I were breaking each day, and now besides the emptiness he has left in my heart I feel very little left of the connection between us. I knew something had happened. Had changed. I can only hope that it means the suffering in Devil's world would come to a close soon and he would finally Know Peace and Happiness again. "It has been a long time. have been away long enough now, I think."

I speak slowly, in a measured tone under my breath. The last time I had seen Heyel had been a very brief midnight encounter, when I had gone to him for his help when I had no one else I could entrust with the knowledge of my whereabouts "I have traveled far, but no matter the distance it seems I cannot bring myself to leave forever. I have taken up residence in Glorall, and I can feel the bond with my Mate growing weaker and weaker...."

I wanted so badly to ask of Devil out right. If he was fairing better, if he had grown worse, had Natalya gone to him yet? But I couldn't bring myself to speak his name. "I feel it's time to sever things between us for good. I asked for a great deal that night when last we spoke, and I would ask it of you again now, Angel King. It is no easy task, but I know he will not stop searching for me so long as he believes there is a chance I am still here. I need you to tell him that I have gone, for whatever reasons you choose or not choose to name. But that I will not return again. I need you to convince him it is okay to let go and move on, Heyel."

It was painful to speak such things alloud. So much more then when I mull such thoughts over in my head. But they must be said. I must finish what I have started so that I can move on too. I was the Phoenix now.

+ 4 cycles + Siren Scythe + Spawn of Devil May Cry X Kiska + Doppleganger to Durga + 42" 200lbs + No Heart + No Soul +

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