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...  Have You Seen Her... Just One Stray Cat...

Damnable Leaches!

I pluck one of the fat, globby blobs of slime-covered blood sacks off the dead carcass of a gator that was left to rot in the depths of this foul smelling marshland. it's plump body rolls across my tongue with a sickening smacking sound, and I can feel it's round sucker face attempting to latch onto the inside of my mouth even as my fangs squeeze into it's middle and it's whole body bursts into a delicious twang of copper-flavored blood. The gushing, gooey hor deurve slid down my throat in a single fluid motion, and my pink tongue drags sanguinely across my lips. I smile a wicked smile, savoring the flavor.

The acrid aroma of Death and rotted meat hung heavy in the humid air, a smog that nearly made me choke on the fumes. Flies buzzed in a black mass around the shredded cadaver, and buzzards circled lazily in the sky overhead, eager to covet the meal I had driven them from.

It was a small gator, probably less then a year old at only 3 feet in length. Its stomach had been torn open by larger teeth, one rear leg wrenched off by what I can only imagine was a far larger specimen of it's Kind. Now it lay stiff as a board, belly up in the noonday sun, with only the insects to lavish of it's loss.

My stomach rumbled with hunger. I was ravenous, and as a Daughter of the Underworld, I can say I've dined on far worse beasties then this. I turn the creature over with one black leather-clad paw, one lip wrinkling up in distaste as I see the eyes of the gator have already been pecked away by the carrion birds. More Leaches covered it's back like wriggling tumors, and it's scaled hide was riddled in pock-marked gouges from sharp beaks.

There wasn't enough flesh left to dine on, all of the reptile's innards had already been robbed by the rats and birds and parasites. The Bayou seemed to be an efficient house cleaner... scraps were never left long. This fellow had already been dead for several days.

I let out a derisive snort, black-light eyes like that of my Hell-born father glittered pupiless and void of any emotion. I scan my surroundings once again... Tactfully looking for signs of anything familiar.

Moladian has changed much since the Meteor fell to Earth and destroyed my Family's Tomb. I was one of the last born daughters of Lucian and Atreyu, the beasts that lurked in the Underworld. The Underground Caverns of Mirovis were our Temple... Or Crypt more like. It was a world that was both beautiful and foreboding... with Tunnels as dark as pitch, leading into the bowels of Hell, and caverns so gloriously lit with the most lustrious crystals and colored stones any wolf had ever seen. Often it was dark and dank, dripping with cave water or burning with veins of live magma that bubbled up out of the Loins of the Earth.

Bats had been childhood companions, their chittering my lullaby as I drifted off to sleep. That life was worlds away now, as dead and buried beneath this 'New Moladian' as the bones of the victims to the meteor.

Certainly, this bog held some similarities to Mirovis though... but pretty much only so far as the dark and dank and wet. That's about as far as the similarities went. But this is the place, where I've heard whispered, that Demons roam. True Demons, in the flesh... animate and fierce and without mercy.

I do not know the fates of my parents, nor of my siblings... but certainly if the infamous Lucian or Atreyu lived, it would be here that they would reside.

Paws propel me away from the corpse, discarding it with a final leering eye, as I transgress the boundary marked in the wreak of malevolent wolven scent. A wraith without trepidation, I pay the markers little heed, corsets slithering across the border in a hypnotic sway of feminine hips and shoulders. Sex appeal oozes from every pore, as scintillating and voracious as my viper-like mother before me. I wasn't the kind of woman that makes a bunch of obnoxious racket when making an entrance. I preferred a more subtle approach.

Tiara is held low, radars swiveling atop their turrets as pink muzzle twitches, drinking in glyphs of information etched in the stagnant swamp air. There was a Demon close by, and I was counting on it to come to me.

Tigress ~ 5 Lives Lived ~ My Pride ~ My Cat's Meow ~ My King Cat Daddy~

She's Not the Same Girl ... Running With the Pack

  • Zigzag -
    Zildjian -
    Idunn -

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