bright eyes%01 blinded by fear of light - " />
The Lost Islands

bright eyes, blinded by fear of light

By the time the frightened Moonstrike had realized that Magnus wasn't actually a beast with teeth and claws seeking her hide, her stride was far less intense. Instead, it was what was to be expected of a mare being herded by a stallion, and she even followed in step when he guided her away from the rocks. Crossing the sea to the island wasn't too much of a fight; though luckily by the time she reached land, the silver and black mare was completely winded.

She didn't bother trying to run any further. Her head remained low, ears swiveled back (though not pinned) and breath heavy. Now that he has a chance to look at her, should he take notice to the features of her solid face, her eyes stood out brightly against her dark cheeks and forehead; they were a hazy blue, and their uselessness was painfully clear, in addition it gave him the answer as to why she was so flighty.

When she was no longer winded, she picked her head up, and she turned her head in his general direction, and 'looked' at him. Though, it was more accurate to say that she listened in his direction more than anything else.

“ Thank you. “ she said,
“ For making sure that I got across the water safely. “

Even though if it weren't for him, she'd likely not have been in the water to begin with.

mare // crossbreed // fifteen.two // six // silver black spotted blanket // vandy/bloodaxe


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