During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


a small touch of happiness

Even if Vladya had spoken before her question (which she believed that he did), she couldn’t hear him. Being in an emotional mind kept Kobato from being able to process that around her. She was too busy searching her own mind for answers to even remotely begin to assess what else might be going on. However, after she asked her question, she previewed the look on his palette before going further and making a statement of what she herself wished to do. He had been surprised. Perhaps she should have felt proud, for she doubted much surprised the frost dragon these days. A fight was something that was to never be a problem for him. He had the kind of steely grit Kobato herself wished she could possess. But we do not always get what we want. If Kobato had pursued becoming someone who was unaffected by anything, someone strong and willful. A brave Valkyrie she might be… but she would have lost the intent to help others. If she had done everything herself, why would she need to help others up off of their feet? Even she had had help from Vladya. She was always needing help.

When her speech came to an end, she looked up, tears still staining her cheeks and dripping from the sides of her eyes. Her voice had been able to keep itself stable, yet her emotions had had trouble doing the same thing. She listened, however, as he spoke. Or rather… as he stayed silent. And with each passing moment, she felt more and more like she had tried to expose herself bare. That she had succeeded and now he was ashamed of her wishing to be something different than what she had originally been born as. Insane how the mind starts creating devilish thoughts whenever it cannot handle just what is going on. It kills… the mind does. I…I want… to get better. Kobato’s domes pressed forwards, listening for anything. I don’t want to be the way I am anymore. I want to be better… for you… Now Kobato felt heat begin to elevate towards her head. She dug her teeth into her lip. This… ‘together’ thing? I’m not good at it. I’m not nice or considerate like you are. And I used to not care. But.. I don’t want to be a jerk for the rest of my life. I want to be like you. I want to be with you. Because you’re good. And you inspire me to be the same way. The girl stared, picking up on his tense, low growling. There. I said it.

How… How was she supposed to respond to this besides smile? It tried tugging at her lips far too strongly, and eventually she let it loose. It was a quick conquest of her palette. Her labias lined with ebony were pulled to the side, pearls sparkling in short spurts from underneath the black out curtain. Her dragon had pulled himself a little closer to her from where he had been standing before, but that distance was breached without any warning. Kobato’s creamy stilts lurched in his direction without even asking her brain for permission, and soon the brunette crowned ess was pressed into him. If he would allow it, that is. Among the storm, she felt safer than she had ever felt before during the rampage of thunder throwing itself against the dark clouds. What she noticed the most here, delightfully encased in a cloak that was not her own, was that his scent had been magnified exponentially. It was to be expected because of the rain, but here it was almost maddening how strong it was. Though she had pressed her skull into his chest, she lifted it now, sliding her chin across his collar bone, leaning the side of her head into his nape. You’re more considerate than you think you are. Your kindness is hard to see if you don’t know where to look for it, but I can see it. I have always seen it. Even when you thought you were hiding it. This male’s words had stopped her heart. It was true that he was the ultimate source of different emotions. Though his bite had scared her inner heart into shaking with doubt, his bark at the end rattled her rib cage with mixed feelings. Joy, happiness, pride, thankfulness, and… curiosity. Her lashes fluttered back to her cheeks, catching droplets of water and gathering together in clumps. She supposed there was also still fear lingering in the darkness of her heart, though. Fear that he would never know just exactly how she felt, for she didn’t know if he had processed her words before he had turned into something from a nightmare. Fear that she would never be able to say those words again. It was a fear that she shouldn’t have.

But now was not the time to work on this. If she was to incur the wrath of whatever demon lay slumbering within his depths, she wanted to do so when they were not having a moment. At least, she thought they were having a moment. She was. Immediately she was struck with the thought of perhaps being childish. To which she attempted to pull back. She enough away from him to meet his precious gaze. Vladya, I—um… And in the most inopportune time (as is always appropriate for otp’s) another clash rang through the heavens. She slammed herself back into him, shaking. Was it funny that the girl who had faced probably the most terrifying wolf in all of this region was afraid of mere thunder? Childish or not, she wasn’t going to allow any distance between his and her skin unless it stopped. Soft toffee orbs glanced upwards. That wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. However something was a bit different about this this time. It had started from that look at him. What about that look was different that it caused her heart to skip beat? Whereas she had been too happy to hear his answer before, this embrace was a little different. Could he feel it? Was the tension reaching him as well? There were flutterings of wings within her stomach. Could he feel her heart pounding? Could he hear the small increase in her breathing? Could he pick it up through her pulse? Things had turned from scary to rewarding to awkward within the time span of a few well spent minutes. If she could have, she would have slammed her face into the dirt in hopes that if she couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see her. Why had she even spoken? Now he definitely would feel the same strain that she herself was feeling. She breathed out slowly, trying (in vain) to calm herself. She could use this, right? Right.

WRONG. She couldn’t come up with anything. Her pools scanned his back, allowing herself a second to memorize his back from this angle. She was short, so she couldn’t exactly pick out everything, but with the rain rippling down his spine, she was in awe of his musculature. Trust it to be in a moment like this that she did such a thing. But his fur was slicked against his skin… it was hard not to look at it. This guy… he could crush her in a second if he so wished to. It would only take a second for her skeletal system to be smashed into thorny pieces by his strength. True, he probably wasn’t in the best shape right now, as they had been running for a long while, and before that, Kershov had been treating him as garbage… but his being was still there. Almost as if it refused to disappear. She inhaled sharply and twisted her cranial a bit, eyes catching the slight curve of the neck and, a small twinge of the ears. Here Kobato was reminded of Spring Grounds, when Vladya’s teeth enclosed gently around the lower part of her own listener. Her heart thudded and her eyes snapped back to attention. She closed her dreamers, stumped at what she could do to get herself out of this situation, wondering if Vladya was having the same problem. If it was a problem… was it? Her jowls tightened a bit in despair.

It happened quickly, and in the same manner of her collision with him earlier. Her brain totally unaware of the body’s actions. Not two moments after her eyes closed, they reopened, wide and surprised. Her nape was stretched, her mug partially enclosed round that right listener of his. The exact same goddamn thing that he had done to her a month or two earlier. Heat flushed Kobato’s palette and she let go softly, her thoughts of not separating herself from him suddenly gone as she stepped back and fumbled for what she should do. Her words were building, but slowly, and her eyes shifted uneasily on the ground. Auds were pressed back in complete and utter embarrassment. Head turned a bit away from him. She didn’t want to see his face. She was too scared of what she might see there. If she could melt into a puddle right now, she would have. S-sorry… I don’t know what… Stuttering like a school girl in front of her senior, fingers tightly clutching a small love letter. She winced, prepared for impact.

called by kobato . matured to perfection . rogue runner . captivated by VLADYA . no royals to call her own . written by kiki

Oemgee that was shitty im sorry. ;-;



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