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I can’t really say I was sad to be back in Spirane. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about it, but I wasn’t sad either. In truth, my heart was beating a little fast, the creeping of excitement up into my chest at the prospect of seeing my mom and dad again. It would be easier to see my father then my mother though. I wanted so badly to come back triumphantly, to have a reason for her to be proud of me. But I never did find that whimsical place called Heaven… that place they say Angels come from.
My conclusion on that subject is simply put: No such place exists. Those that would deem themselves angels are frauds, as full of hot air as their ‘demonic’ counterparts… though I do certainly believe that evil exists and most demons tend to live by such dark notions.
It is only be sheer coincidence that I happened to run into Istas along the shores of Aplos River. He found himself in a tight spot but I jumped in and saved his butt from being mauled off by that half-crazed female that was chasing after him at the time. Once she was gone and we got to talking, he realized I was familiar with Spirane and he was needing someone to take him there to find his friend Noel.
So here I was, having escorted Istas to his chosen destination, and seeing as I was here, I might as well pay my mom and dad a visit. Of course, little did I know my grandpa, the King Cat Daddy Angel himself, would be here for that exact purpose too. As I made my way along the familiar paths that would lead to their den-site, I heard my father’s voice first, followed shortly thereafter by the high pitched tone of a child. My steps slowed, becoming uncertain as the scent of diveen lingered on the breeze.
Diveen wolves? Here in Spirane? Gre-e-e-at!
And just what did they want? Why couldn’t they just stay in their big chasm and continue playing Phony out there?
Dropping to a crouch, my fleet body, so full of the poise and grace of my mother and grandmothers before me, slunk with near preternatural silence under a wall of brush that I might peak out and watch the group of wolves gathered together on the other side.
There was a short intake of breath when I realized the white wolf with purple eyes was Heyel, my grandfather. At his side was a cub, black as pitch and she… She called him Dad! I felt my blood begin to simmer. How dare He! How dare he come here to Our home turf, and insult my Dad for being Impure! Even if it was subtle, even if it was in Jest… it spurned my anger. Did that mean he would look at me and see me like some clumsy mountain too? And look at him, standing there with a cub that could have just as easily been the spawn of an Iromar Demon! The hypocrite!
But then, what did I expect from an Angel?
Then there was a voice, perhaps the most beautiful voice in all of Moladian. She comes upon the scene, gliding as if she walked on clouds and feathered feet. Her coat gleamed of pearl and wild flame. Instantly a majority of my anger was washed away for a moment, soothed by her Nearness. If Ever a one True angel walked this earth, I am certain it is She. My heart pounded in my chest, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling to run to her. I didn’t deny myself. After all, it had been over a year since she’d seen me last.
I break from my cover, a pearlescent streak of lightning that bolts straight for her side. ”Mater!” I exclaim, using the Native tongue that I suppose might be the only genuine thing the Angels have ever shown me. I come to her side and burrow my head into the soft svelte of her fur, momentarily forgetting that my grandfather was here… Ego quidem omnes vos desiderabat: et matrem! Dimitte me, quoniam non est reversus citius! (I have missed you so much mother! Forgive me for not returning sooner…)”
I lick her face and cheeks, adorning her with lavish kisses. But then I come back to myself, and I turn my gleaming indigo gaze upon my father, and then my grandfather and his cub. My eyes narrow upon the pair of them, becoming guarded, almost accusing, though I know they’ve done nothing to me personally.
Etsi non inveni. Ibi non inveni ... caelum (I did Not find it though. I didn’t find ANY Heaven out there…)”
As if it was their fault. But I couldn’t help it. I’d learned the truth though. I stood to my full height, already nearly as tall as my dad, taller certainly then Heyel. ”Why is He here?” I ask, not at all ashamed by the taint of derision across my tongue.

3 * Forgotten Seraphim * Cherub of Zildjian x Reyja * No One's Angel * No One's Demon * Spirane Is my purgatory

  • Zildjian -
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